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    Title: 論最低工資與生活工資
    A Study on Minimum Wage and Living Wage
    Authors: 龔敏華
    Kung, Min-Hua
    Contributors: 王惠玲
    Wang, Huei-Ling
    Kung, Min-Hua
    Keywords: 低薪
    Low Wage
    Working Poor
    Minimum Wage
    Living Wage
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:20:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國際勞工組織主張最低工資政策係改善低薪問題的政策工具之一,惟在全球化的發展之下,低薪、工作貧窮的問題逐漸被人關注,最低工資的數額越來越無法使勞工過上合理的生活水準,在此背景下,生活工資運動逐漸佔據大眾的視野,而生活工資條例的施行也為就業帶來正面效應。
    International Labour Organization claimed that the Minimum Wage Policy is one of the policy instruments to improve low-wage problems. However, under the development of globalization, the problems of low wage and working poor gradually attracted people’s attention. In this context, living wage movement caught people’s eye and living wage ordinances also had positive effects on employment.
    This research chose the United Kingdom and the United States which have already implemented living wage ordinances, and Japan which had brought the concept of living wage in the Act of Minimum Wage as examples. First of all, this article sorted out the minimum wage system in the countries mentioned above, and summarized the impacts on the economy and employment after the implementation of the living wage ordinances. After reviewing the living wage systems in these countries, this research conducted several interviews to understand the problems with the basic wage in Taiwan and the feasibility and possible impact of implementing the living wage system under current Taiwanese political, economic, and social environment.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108262014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101324
    Appears in Collections:[勞工研究所] 學位論文

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