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    Title: 不同契約人力的薪資福利與工作負荷對組織態度影響之研究:以臺中市政府為例
    The Influence of Compensation and Workload of Different Contract Staff on Organizational Attitude: A Case Study of Taichung City Government
    Authors: 楊宗政
    Yang, Chung-Cheng
    Contributors: 蘇偉業
    So, Wai-Yip
    Yang, Chung-Cheng
    Keywords: 契約人力
    Contract staff
    Organizational attitude
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:16:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公部門運用契約人力不僅是公共人力資源的趨勢,亦是我國公務人力資源改革的重點方向。我國的契約人力分為聘用人員、約僱人員及臨時人員,雖然工作性質有差異且大致分為專業、技術以及行政等,但制度上各類契約人力的薪資待遇並未根據工作性質的不同來訂定薪資水準。因此,本研究除探討契約人力之實質薪資待遇與工作性質之差異性外,再進一步探討契約人力的薪資福利與工作負荷有無差異以及其對組織態度的影響,並根據前述發現評估我國政府契約人力制度設計之得失。本研究試圖探討約聘僱與臨時人員的心理契約違反與組織承諾及工作滿意度之間的關係,採用文獻分析法及問卷調查法,針對臺中市政府所屬一級機關的契約人力進行調查。


    The use of contract staff in the public sector is not only the trend of public human resources but also the focus of human resource reform. Contract staff is divided into contract-based employees, auxiliary employees, and temporary employees. Although their job natures vary and can be roughly divided into professional, technical, and administrative categories, various job categories are not paid according to work. Therefore, in addition to discussing the difference between the actual compensation of contract staff and the work, this study further explores the difference between the compensation, benefit, and workload of the contract staff and their influence on organizational attitude. Accordingly, the prons and cons of the contract staff system are evaluated. This study attempts to explore the contract staff`s psychological contract violation, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction by documentary analysis and a questionnaire survey on the first-level agencies of the Taichung City Government.

    This study finds that the temporary staff is paid according to their works. However, no matter what job natures are undertaken, the compensation of contract-based employees and auxiliary employees tend to be the same. In addition, the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of auxiliary employees are significantly higher than those of the temporary staff, indicating that auxiliary employees tend to be more stable than temporary staff, and all categories of contract staff has strong expectations for compensation and benefits, which will affect job satisfaction. This study also finds that temporary staff tends to work in a long-term employment. However, various categories of contract staff are hired based on different funding sources. Temporary employees’ compensation is funded by the relatively unstable operational budget, and therefore they should not be regarded as long-term regular staff.

    Based on the above findings, this study suggests that agencies should categorize jobs according to the work so that agencies can flexibly formulate compensation based on the job nature and workload. If contract staff is regular staff, incentive mechanisms are necessary. This study argues that only contract-based employees and auxiliary employees are regular staff, while the temporary employees are the non-regular staff. As a result, in the use of manpower, contract-based employees and auxiliary employees should be considered as developmental human capital, and the organization should provide varying degrees of long-term incentives; while for the temporary employees, it is recommended to be back to the original design. Those long-term employed temporary employees should switch to the contract-based employees and auxiliary employees. If the temporary employees are short-term workers, they should be considered as purchasable human capital.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101339
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