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    Title: 台灣跨國戀情中性別與國籍的身分溝通
    Breaking the Stereotypes of Vietnamese Brides: Communicating Gender and National Identities for Migrants’ Romance in Taiwan
    Authors: 阮玉玄
    Nguyen, Ngoc-Huyen
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching-Ping
    Nguyen, Ngoc-Huyen
    Keywords: 跨國戀情
    Vietnamese Brides
    Gender Identity
    National Identity
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:13:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 希望成為以民主化典範的台灣一直致力於改善原住民、移民與同性戀等少數族群的人權和社會地位。雖然法規與社會福利等等的官方制度已越來越完善,但台灣社會的潛規則與刻板印象仍是弱勢族群取得公平待遇的一大障礙。本論文旨在研究越南女性在台灣尋求愛情時,所遇到的「越南新娘」障礙。
    透過剛畢業的碩士學生Bun Cha(越南炭烤豬肉米線)、女同性戀語言學生Dua Hau(西瓜)和藍領移工Yingtao(櫻桃)上述三位越南移民的故事,本研究發現新一代越南移民女性與台灣第一代越南新娘相比,是來自更富裕的社會經濟階層,但在台灣,人們秉持舊印象卻持續困擾著新一代的越南女性,構成難以跨越的挑戰。
    Known for a paragon of democratization, Taiwan has worked hard to improve human rights and social status of identity minorities, such as aboriginals, immigrants, and homosexuals. While formal institutions have improved gradually, informal ones still prevail to impose barriers for the disadvantageous groups to fair better. This research examines how Vietnamese females encountered the stereotypes of Vietnamese brides in seeking romance in Taiwan.
    In navigating the stories of three Vietnamese female migrants Bun Cha, Dua Hau – a lesbian woman and Yingtao who come from different backgrounds of Master student, language student and blue-collar migrant worker, the research found the new generation of Vietnamese migrant women come from much better growing socio-economic background in contrast to the first generations of Vietnamese brides in Taiwan. This implies increasing challenges to potential transnational relationships between Vietnamese and Taiwanese in future due to large identity gaps existing.
    National and gender identities often intertwined with each other and play important roles in identity construct of Vietnamese migrant women in Taiwan. They have been accumulated through the women’s growing up process, however, Taiwan provides a challenging context of the Vietnamese brides` stereotypes targeting at heterosexual (looking) Vietnamese women that inactivates these identities and the women’s online and offline strategies to communicate their new identity. The women not only negotiate negative stereotypes to positive ones, but also turn some over-positive stereotypes to fewer positive ones in avoiding pressure. Whilst in gender identity, the results suggest that the women adopt gender roles in finding balance in heterosexual relationships, a stronger level of national identity tends to lead to more defensive reactions that could harm or reverse the development of the relationship.
    Reference: English
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108461022
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101360
    Appears in Collections:[國際傳播英語碩士學程] 學位論文

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