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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/136989
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    Title: 跨境代孕協議法律適用研究——兼論「兩岸四地」之相關問題
    A Study on the Law Applicable to Cross-Border Surrogacy Agreement and the Related Issues in Cross-strait Four-regions
    Authors: 阮昊翔
    Ruan, Hao-Xiang
    Contributors: 王文杰

    Wang, Wen-Chieh
    Hsu, Cheng-Hsien

    Ruan, Hao-Xiang
    Keywords: 跨境代孕
    Cross-border surrogacy
    Private international law
    Choice of law
    Uniform substantive law
    Cross-strait Four-regions
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:05:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人工生殖輔助技術的進步實現了性與生殖的分離,代孕亦隨之產生,這種分離使得代孕所產生的糾紛與爭議極具特殊性與複雜性。另一方面,全球化的發展下,各法域間法律衝突的發生隨跨境民商事交往的日益密切而愈趨頻繁。此二者的結合,無疑增加了相關問題處理的困難程度,亦為國際私法上的法律適用提出了無法迴避的難題。而此一難題在日逾頻發的代孕糾紛中,得以凸顯其亟待解決的緊迫性。然目前為止,少有實踐經驗或學術見解對此一問題作出全面的回應。基於此,本文欲以跨境代孕協議法律適用問題為研究對象,探討並構想一個可行的國際私法規則。
    The progress of assisted reproductive technology has realized the separation of sex and reproduction, and surrogacy also arises. This separation makes the disputes and disputes caused by surrogacy special and complex. On the other hand, with the development of globalization, the occurrence of conflict of laws between various jurisdictions is becoming more and more frequent with the increasingly close cross-border civil and commercial exchanges. The combination of the two undoubtedly increases the difficulty of dealing with relevant issues, and also puts forward unavoidable problems for the application of law in private international law. This problem highlights the urgency of its urgent solution in the increasingly frequent surrogacy disputes. However, so far, few practical experience or academic opinions have made a comprehensive response to this problem. Based on this, this thesis intends to take the law applicable to cross-border surrogacy agreement as the research object, explore and conceive a feasible rule of private international law.
    Firstly, in the overview of basic issues, this thesis defines the concepts relevant with cross-border surrogacy, including surrogacy, types of surrogacy, cross-border surrogacy and its agreement, describes the relevant issues such as the emergence of disputes and the motives of cross-border, and combs the occurrence of conflict of laws like legitimacy and identification of parent-child relationship. Then, this thesis examines the existing main practices at the international level, draws the conclusion that there are two incompleteness in its guiding role, obtains the enlightenment from the guiding status of the principle of the best interests of the child, demonstrates the necessity of establishing parent-child relationship by law, and then explore the law applicable to cross-border surrogacy agreement.
    Whereas the existence of two methods of application of law in private international law to solve the conflict of laws, after confirming the principle that parent-child relationship should be determined by law and the application of dépeçage, this thesis discusses the two methods separately. In the adjustment mode of conflict of laws, this thesis analyzes and conceives the reasonable design of the respective norms of applicable of law in the parental part and the non-parental part of the agreement under the special situation of cross-border surrogacy. In the adjustment of uniform substantive law, this thesis analyzes the feasibility of different types, and puts forward a relatively feasible scheme. Finally, all the above theoretical analysis is placed in the specific geographical scope of in Cross-strait Four-regions, and further adjustments are made according to its particularity.
    This thesis compares and analyzes various similar legal relations and combs and studies the relevant theories as comprehensively as possible, hoping to help build a practical and feasible rule in private international law to face cross-border surrogacy, which can reasonably and properly solve some world-wide problems brought by surrogacy, so that the interests of all parties can be ideally protected. In addition, I hope this paper can stimulate more discussion in the academic community. I also look forward to alleviating or even avoiding the unnecessary damage to interests caused by this complex issue at an early date.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651074
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101420
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