題名: | 基於深度學習框架之電塔與絕緣子檢測 Power Tower and Insulator Detection Based on Deep Learning Framework |
作者: | 陳冠增 Chen, Kuan-Tseng |
貢獻者: | 廖文宏 Liao, Wen-Hung 陳冠增 Chen, Kuan-Tseng |
關鍵詞: | 電腦視覺 物件偵測 深度學習 Computer vision Object detection Deep learning |
日期: | 2021 |
上傳時間: | 2021-09-02 16:53:35 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 深度學習技術改變了電腦視覺領域的理論與實作架構,近年來已經被廣泛地應用,本論文主要的目標是將這些新興的技術道入電塔與絕緣子的自動偵測任務,除了蒐集更多視角的電塔資料,也針對不同的網路架構、骨幹與優化方式,進行全面式的分析比較,提升對電塔與絕緣子的辨識準確率,以期運用於無人機的安全檢測。 本論文共實驗CascadeRCNN、FasterRCNN、Retinanet、Fcos、DetectoRS、YOLO V3與YOLO V4七種架構,搭配Resnet50、Resnet101、Regnet、Resnest、Resnext與Res2net六個骨架模型,測試七個優化方法,分別為Libra-RCNN、Soft-nms、Weight Standardization、OHEM、DCNv2、Multi-scale training與Multi-scale testing,以尋找最佳組合。 在電塔的檢測中,本論文發現最佳組合為CascadeRCNN架構,搭配Resnext、Weight Standardization與Multi-scale training,取得AP = 91.06%、AR = 93.72%以及F1 Score = 92.37%。而絕緣子的最佳組合為DetectoRS架構,搭配Regnet、Weight Standardization與Multi-scale training,取得AP = 95.66%、AR = 97.92%以及F1 Score = 96.78%,最終的準確率與現有方法相比,都獲得相當程度的提升。 Deep learning technology has brought forth a paradigm shift in the field of computer vision in both theoretical and practical aspects. It has been widely incorporated in many applications recently. The main objective of this research is to introduce these emerging technologies into the automatic detection of power towers and insulators. Toward this goal, we investigate the combination of different network architectures, backbones and optimization methods to compare and analyze their performance in the identification of power towers and insulators, with an expectation to apply them to the safety inspection using UAVs. In this thesis, we tested seven architectures, including CascadeRCNN, FasterRCNN, Retinanet, Fcos, DetectoRS, YOLO V3 and YOLO V4, with six backbone models, i.e., Resnet50, Resnet101, Regnet, Resnest, Resnext and Res2net, and seven optimization methods, namely Libra- RCNN, Soft-nms, Weight Standardization, OHEM, DCNv2, Multi-scale training and Multi-scale testing to search for the best combination. In the detection of power towers, we found that the best combination is CascadeRCNN with Resnext, Weight Standardization and Multi-scale training, achieving results of AP = 91.06%, AR = 93.72% and F1 Score = 92.37%. The best combination for insulator detection is DetectoRS, combined with Regnet, Weight Standardization and Multi-scale training, obtaining results of AP = 95.66%, AR = 97.92% and F1 Score = 96.78%. The final accuracy shows notable improvements over existing methods. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 107753023 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107753023 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101299 |
顯示於類別: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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