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    Title: 遊戲式擴增實境導覽系統支援創客空間利用教育之研究
    A Game-based Augmented Reality Navigation System to Support MakerSpace User Education
    Authors: 楊雅竹
    Yang, Ya-Chu
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Yang, Ya-Chu
    Keywords: 創客空間
    Makerspace user educatio
    Augmented reality
    Game-based learning
    Alternate reality game
    Learning process analysis
    Lag sequential analysis
    Learning performance
    Learning motivation
    Immersive experience
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 16:36:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來創客空間(Makerspace)被視為充實創意思維的重要場域,然而,創客空間設備的多元應用性,可能會使圖書館面臨館員人力不足且無法完整介紹的狀況。因此,若能將基本的創客空間導覽教學活動數位化,將可能有效節省圖書館教學人力,同時提升使用者的使用意願。本研究設計「遊戲式AR導覽系統」輔助學習者進行創客空間利用教育,透過結合遊戲式教學模式與AR工具輔助學習,進而促進學習者的學習動機及沉浸經驗,提升創客空間利用教育的學習成效。此外,亦蒐集學習者的學習歷程行為進行行為分析,藉此了解學習者在使用「遊戲式AR導覽系統」學習過程中的有效學習模式。
    In recent years, makerspace has been regarded as an important learning field for cultivating students’ creative and thinking abilities. However, the diversified applications of makerspace equipment may cause that the librarians who are responsible for makerspace user education cannot burden their working load due to limitation of manpower. Therefore, if the basic makerspace user education can be supported by digital tools in an appropriate way, it will be possible to effectively save librarians’ working load and at the same time increase the willingness of users to use. This research designed a game-based augmented reality navigation system to support makerspace user education. Through the combination of game-based learning method and AR tools to assist makerspace user education, it aims to promote learners’ learning motivation and immersive experience, and enhances the learning performance of makerspace user education. Furthermore, this study also collected learners’ learning behaviors for behavior analysis to understand the effective learning mode of learners using the game-based augmented reality navigation system.
    With a true experimental research method, 7 students who participated in the makerspace guide of Dah Hsian Seetoo Library of National Chengchi University and 17 students from a high school in Keelung City were randomly selected as the research subjects. These 24 research subjects were randomly assigned with different learning models of makerspace user education. Among them, 10 students were assigned to the game-based learning group using the game-based augmented reality navigation system, the other 7 students were assigned to the web-based learning group using the web navigation system, and the remaining 7 students were assigned to the traditional librarian tour-based learning group using the narrative guided tour with librarian to conduct makerspace user education. An instruction experiment was conducted in order to examine whether the three learning groups’ learners and learners with different prior knowledge levels have significant differences in learning performance and learning motivation, and to examine whether there are significant differences in immersion experience between the game-based learning group and the web-based learning group’s learners, as well as the interview data was used to explore the behavior patterns of the three groups’ learners. Finally, based on the analysis of the learning process data, this study explored whether learners with different operating behavior patterns when using the game-based augmented reality navigation system will lead to having different learning performance and passing different numbers of challenge tasks.
    Research results show that overall learners, learners with different levels of prior knowledge in the game-based learning group had significantly better learning performance than those of the web-based learning group. Overall learners and learners with low prior knowledge in the game-based learning group had significantly better value component and expectancy components of learning motivation than those of the web-based learning group. In terms of immersive experience, overall learners and learners with high prior knowledge in the game-based learning group had significantly better engagement level of immersive experience than those of the web-based learning group, but not in engrossment level and total immersion level. In addition, from the results of behavioral analysis, learners with high learning performance who use the game-based augmented reality navigation system were more able to find the answer through reasoning after absorbing the learning contents and clues, and those with low learning performance relied more on luck and the number of attempts to complete the learning tasks. Compared the challenge task three with four, the learners’ overall learning behavior model is more streamlined, and the mastery of using the game is significantly improved.
    Based on the results, several suggestions for the application of game-based augmented reality navigation system to teaching and the future development direction are eventually proposed in this study. Overall speaking, this research combines game-based learning mode and AR tools to develop a game-based augmented reality navigation system. It provides an innovative and effective learning tool that is suitable for the characteristics of the makerspace. It would contribute to the improvement of traditional learning models with librarians’ instruction for innovative makerspace user education.
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