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Title: | 基於使用者經驗與資訊行為之推薦系統評估 Evaluating Recommendation System Design Based on User Experience and Information Behavior |
Authors: | 蘇子崴 Su, Tzu-Wei |
Contributors: | 李沛錞 Lee, Pei-Chun 蘇子崴 Su, Tzu-Wei |
Keywords: | 推薦系統 使用者經驗 資訊行為 科技推力 需求拉力 Recommendation system User experience Information behavior Technology-push Demand-pull |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 16:35:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 雖然平台可以藉由推薦系統的協助,成功留住使用者,但其間的資訊量非常龐大,不僅考驗著平台對使用者資訊力的影響,對使用者與系統的分析能力也具有一定的挑戰性。因此,本研究旨在以科技推力觀點,分析推薦系統之技術趨勢,並結合需求拉力觀點,進行推薦系統使用者經驗與資訊行為調查,輔以運用個案研究法,進行以下探討:(1)探討推薦系統技術發展趨勢;(2)探討推薦系統之使用者經驗;(3)探討推薦系統之資訊行為,最終提出相關的結論以及結合使用者經驗與資訊行為觀點、企業電子商務經營觀點之推薦系統建議。
研究結果顯示,以科技推力觀點,目前推薦系統技術表現依舊活躍,各國對推薦系統技術逐漸重視,企業間除了引用自家技術,也引用其他產業,輔助自家開發,且技術領域不僅侷限於商業領域,逐漸擴大技術研發領域。結合需求拉力的觀點,從使用者經驗的角度進行評估推薦系統時,可以針對使用者反饋機制、喜好設定以及推薦原因之操作上進行改善,提升使用者自主性,並根據使用者的變化即時回應。在資訊行為的角度則必須納入網際網路資訊交流管道的意見,了解目前流行趨勢,進而推薦使用者,並在產品規格說明上做統一標準化,方便使用者用於產品間的比較,提升使用者對平台的安心度以及信任度。而企業電子商務經營觀點建議推薦系統以使用者為主軸,且不論是在推薦介面、內容以及產品等,需要以簡單即時的方式運作,進一步針對產品本身以及使用者的行為做行銷上的評估,達到企業整體業績的提升。 Although the website succeed in keep users by the assistance of recommendation system, there are too much information between website and system which not only test the influence of the website on the user’s information power, but also challenges the analyze skill of the user and the system. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the technical trends of the recommendation system from the perspective of technology-push, which also combined with the demand-pull perspective to investigate the user experience and information behavior of the recommendation system supplemented by using in-depth interview, to conduct the following discussions: (1)To discuss technology development trend of recommendation system. (2)To discuss user experience of recommendation system. (3)To discuss information behavior of recommendation system according to the research result, provide the viewpoint suggest of recommendation system that combines user experience and information behavior and enterprise e-commerce management.
The research found out that the current performance of recommendation system technology is still active by viewing of the perspective of technology, and countries are gradually paying more attention to recommendation system as well. enterprises are not only applying recommendation system on their own business but also citi from others to increasing development. The technical field is not limited to the commercial field, gradually expand the field of technology research and development as well. While evaluating the recommendation system from the perspective of user experience with the viewpoint of demand-pull, enterprises could refer to the user`s feedback mechanism, preference settings, and operation to enhance user autonomy and timely response. It is necessary to adopt the opinions of channel of communication from the perspective of information behavior. in addition to understanding the current fashion trend and then recommend it to users, website should standardize the product specifications so that users can easily compare products and improve user’s confidence and trust in the website.
Finally, recommendation system is suggested to take user on the main point from the perspective of enterprise e-commerce management viewpoints, no matter the recommended interface, content, or product, all of them need to operate in a simple and timely way. Furthermore, it can evaluate the product and the behavior of users in marketing so that increase the overall performance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 108155016 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101100 |
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