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    Title: 平衡計分卡在大學圖書館科技創新策略應用之研究 —以政治大學達賢圖書館為例
    Study on the Application of Balanced Scorecard in the Technology Innovation Strategy of University Libraries — Case Study of NCCU Dah Hsian Seetoo Library
    Authors: 周芷涵
    Chow, Chih-Han
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Chow, Chih-Han
    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    University Library
    Technology Innovation Strategy
    SO scorecard
    Balanced Scorecard
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 16:34:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「網路新革命」、「資訊機構改變」與「資訊使用和消費轉型改變」影響與轉變了圖書館的營運環境。身處數位時代,大學圖書館為了要與國際接軌、掌握時代脈動,必須不斷積極創新、追求卓越,「變革」是其重要的生存之道。然而,大學圖書館的創新服務雖如雨後春筍般冒出,但在實施後卻不知這些創新服務的發展方向是否符合讀者的需求,且後續執行的狀況及讀者回饋如何?因此,圖書館極需一套提出、推動並評估創新策略績效的方法與工具,例如:平衡計分卡。




    "Internet revolution", " change of information institutions " and "information use and consumption transformation" have affected and changed the operating environment of the library. In the digital age, in order to keep up with the international standards and grasp the pulse of the times, university libraries must continue to actively innovate and pursue excellence. " Revolution " is an important way of survival. However, although the innovative services of university libraries have sprung up like mushrooms, after the implementation, it is not known whether the development direction of these innovative services meets the needs of readers, and what is the status of subsequent implementation and the readers` feedback? Therefore, libraries desperately need a set of methods and tools for proposing, promoting, and evaluating the performance of innovation strategies, such as a balanced scorecard.

    This research takes Dah Hsian Library, a newly digital library of NCCU, as the research object, and explores the application of the balanced scorecard in the university library`s technology innovation strategy. The research purposes include: (1) Explore the mission, vision and customer value proposition of Dah Hsian library`s technology innovation strategy; (2) Applying SO scorecard to analyze the advantages and opportunities, and form the technology innovation strategy of Dah Hsian Library; (3) Construct a balanced scorecard of Dah Hsian Library`s technology innovation strategy, including strategic issues, strategic goals, strategic maps, strategic measurement indicators and target values, and strategic actors.

    This study uses in-depth interviews and focus group interviews to collect opinions and consensus on the mission, vision, values and technology innovation strategies of Dah Hsian Library, as well as 5 users` needs and suggestions. After that, use the research tool "SO Scorecard" and "Balanced Scorecard" module to sort out and analyze, put forward two technology innovation strategies and design the content of the balanced scorecard in sequence.

    There are six conclusions in this research, including: (1) Dah Hsian Library’s mission is to "become a digital, technological and diverse learning library" (2) Dah Hsian Library’s vision is to "be the top brand in the domestic library that provides digital, technological and diversified services in three years; and become the top three libraries that provide digital, technological and diversified services in Asia within five years " (3) The value of Dah Hsian Library is " Smart service, innovative learning”; (4) The main service targets of Dah Hsian Library are the teachers, graduates and college students of NCCU. Their customer value propositions are: provide teaching and research support and services, provide research resources and environment that meet academic needs, and provide comfortable and diverse learning environment equipped with good technology equipment; (5) Through the four principles of SO scorecard, analyze the long-term advantages and external opportunities of Dah Hsian Library, and propose two technology innovation strategies: Provide a digital learning environment to support diverse learning, and provide innovative practice fields to support innovative learning; (6) Based on the analysis of the SO scorecard and two technology innovation strategies, it can be developed a balanced scorecard strategy map with three strategic main axes: "digital learning environment", "innovative practice field" and "operational excellence", as well as related indicators and action plans.

    Based on the results of this research, the following suggestions are put forward: (1) It is suggested that university libraries can develop the application of robots and AI in the future, digital curation, construction of maker space, data management and analysis services, institutional collections, open access, digital learning in the future; (2) It is suggested that when university libraries implement a balanced scorecard, the strong support of the curator and the cooperation of all librarians are important. And it would be better to invite relevant experts to assist; (3) It is suggested that university libraries should cultivate the ability of librarians to learn lifelong, understand user needs, apply technological equipment, actively promote innovation, and continue to track and evaluate. In addition, it is also very important to have a forward-looking vision, keep an eye on hot topics and changes in environmental trends, and find suitable cooperation agencies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108155001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101313
    Appears in Collections:[圖書資訊與檔案學研究所] 學位論文

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