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    Title: 具合作腳本之合作閱讀標註與共筆議論文論證寫作模式以及學習成效評估研究
    An Argumentative Writing Mode with Cooperation Script based on a Collaborative Reading Annotation and Writing System to Facilitate Writing Performance
    Authors: 蔡宗飛
    Cai, Zong-Fei
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chin-Ming
    Cai, Zong-Fei
    Keywords: 議論文教學
    Argumentative writing teaching
    Collaborative reading annotation system
    Collaborative writing system
    Argumentation pattern
    Cooperation script
    Prior knowledge
    Cognitive style
    Group cohesion
    Group efficacy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:45:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 議論文的學習能培養學習者思辨與議論能力的極佳管道,對於學習者而言是不可或缺的能力,但以教學現狀來說,議論文的寫作教學有其困難之處,急需改善。因此,本研究發展「具合作腳本之合作閱讀標註與共筆議論文論證寫作模式」,希望透過創新的教學模式,為教學者與學習者找到有效提升議論文寫作成效的新方法。
    The study of how to write an argumentative essay is an excellent channel for cultivating learners’ thinking and argumentation ability and it is an indispensable ability for learners. However, in terms of the current teaching situation, the teaching of argumentative essays has its difficulties that need to be overcome urgently. Therefore, this study develops an argumentative writing mode with cooperation script based on a collaborative reading annotation and writing system, hoping to find a new way for teachers and learners to effectively improve the learning effectiveness of argumentation writing through an innovative teaching model.
    In this study, a quasi-experimental research method was used to design an instruction experiment, and a total of 51 students in two fifth-grade classes of a public elementary school in Taichung City were recruited as the research subjects. The two classes were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. Among them, 24 students in one class were assigned to the experimental group using an argumentative writing mode with cooperation script based on a collaborative reading annotation and writing system, while 27 students in the other class were assigned to use an argumentative writing mode without cooperation script based on a collaborative reading annotation and writing system. This study examines whether two groups of learners and two groups of learners with different prior knowledge and cognitive styles have significant differences in learning effectiveness, group cohesion, and group efficacy.
    The study found that the overall learners, learners with different levels of prior knowledge, and learners with different cognitive styles who used the argumentative writing mode with cooperation script based on a collaborative reading annotation and writing system to assist the co-authoring of argumentative essays, their learning performance were significantly better than those of the control group that adopted the argumentative writing mode without cooperation script based on a collaborative reading annotation and writing system. However, there is no statistically significant difference in group cohesion and group efficacy.
    Finally, based on the research results, this study proposes several teaching suggestions for applying the argumentative writing mode with cooperation script based on a collaborative reading annotation and writing system in the teaching field, as well as several research directions that can be further explored in the future. On the whole, this study presents an innovative and effective teaching model for the teaching of argumentative essay writing, which contributes to the promotion of the learning performance of argumentative essay writing.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108913015
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100920
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