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    Title: 身教式持續安靜閱讀對學生閱讀態度、閱讀動機及學習成效影響之研究
    Investigating the Effect of Modeled Sustained Silent Reading on Students` Reading Attitude, Reading Motivation and Learning Effectiveness
    Authors: 葉荃芸
    Yeh, Chuan-Yun
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Lee, Pei-Chun
    Yeh, Chuan-Yun
    Keywords: 身教式持續安靜閱讀
    Modeled Sustained Silent Reading
    Reading Attitude
    Reading Motivation
    Learning Effectiveness
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:44:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 閱讀能力是一切學習之基礎,過去許多研究指出身教式持續安靜閱讀(Modeled Sustained Silent Reading,簡稱MSSR)能培養學習者的閱讀習慣且有助於提升學習成效與動機。故本研究旨於進一步驗證「身教式持續安靜閱讀」能否提升國小學童之閱讀態度、閱讀動機與學習成效,並且透過整合量化與質化之研究方法進行驗證與探討,以期針對MSSR之活動實施提出具體建議。
    Reading ability is the foundation of all learning. Many studies have pointed out that Modeled Sustained Silent Reading (MSSR) can cultivate learners` reading habits and help improve learning effectiveness and motivation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to further verify whether Modeled Sustained Silent Reading can improve the reading attitude, reading motivation, and learning effectiveness of elementary school children. The experiment is a further recommendation of how MSSR can be proceed through the analysis of integrating quantitative and qualitative research results.
    This study adopts one-group pretest-posttest design with a class of third-graders in the Taoyuan district; a total of 21 students (10 boys and 11 girls). The experiment lasted for 11 weeks. The observation was held by using morning self-study and spare time to do at least a 15-minute MSSR session every day, with the option of participants needing to discuss or recommend a good book with each other after the session; without writing exercise. The research tool of this study was a survey to evaluate the participants` reading engagement, which is divided into pre-test and post-test. The survey includes the "Reading Attitude Scale", "Reading Motivation Scale" and "Learning Effectiveness Scale".
    This study found that continuous MSSR can improve participants` reading attitude and reading motivation; furthermore, this method surpasses a reading class held once a week. Based on the results of this research, we put forward specific implementation suggestions for MSSR activities to provide a reference for teachers, school administrators, and future researchers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108913012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100834
    Appears in Collections:[圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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