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    Title: 網路合作問題導向學習對國中生生涯輔導課程學習成效之影響研究
    The effects of applying web-based collaborative problem-based learning for junior high students’ career guidance curriculum on learning performance
    Authors: 李佳燕
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Keywords: 網路合作問題導向學習
    Web-based collaborative problem-based learning
    Career guidance curriculum
    Learning performance
    Career maturity
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:44:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討透過網路合作問題導向學習進行生涯輔導課程,是否有助於提升國中生於生涯輔導課程的學習成就、生涯成熟度,以及課程滿意度。本研究採用「不等組前測後測設計」之準實驗研究法,以台中市某國中二年級兩個不同班級合計55名學生為研究對象,將兩個班級學生隨機分派為採用「網路合作問題導向學習教學法」的實驗組,以及採用「傳統課堂教學法」的控制組。兩組學習者分別採用不同教學法進行生涯生涯輔導課程學習。藉由分析兩組學習者的學習成就、生涯成熟度以及課程滿意度,並輔以半結構式訪談,以驗證兩種不同教學法對於國中學生在學習成就、生涯成熟度、課程滿意度上的差異。結果顯示,相較於採用「傳統課堂教學法」,本研究所提之採用「網路合作問題導向學習教學法」有助於提升學習成就及生涯成熟度,在課程滿意度則無顯著差異。
    This research aims to discuss whether the use of Web-based collaborative problem-based learning for career guidance curriculum can help improve the learning achievement, career maturity, and course satisfaction of the career guidance curriculum for junior high students. The quasi-experimental research method of unequal group pretest-posttest design was conducted and a total of 55 eightth grader in two different classes of junior high school in Taichung City were recruited as the research subjects. Then, each class was randomly assigned to an experimental group using the Web-based collaborative problem-based learning mode to learn career guidance curriculum and the control group using the traditional teaching mode. By analyzing the learning achievement, career maturity, and course satisfaction of the two groups, supplemented by semi-structured interviews, this study examined the differences between the two different learning modes for the junior high school students in learning achievement, career maturity, and course satisfaction. The results show that, compared with the traditional learning mode, the Web-based collaborative problem-based learning mode proposed in this study can help improve students’ learning achievement and career maturity; however, there is no significant difference in course satisfaction.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102913001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100822
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