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    題名: 重構農本生活的價值——以嶺南彩園計劃及其食農教育社群為例
    Reconstruct the Value of Agriculture Based Life: A Case Study of Lingnan Gardeners Project and the Community of Food and Agriculture Education
    作者: 王瑋娜
    Weina, WANG
    貢獻者: 馮朝霖
    WANG Weina
    關鍵詞: 食農教育
    Food and agriculture education
    agriculture based life
    value of agriculture
    aesthetics of existence
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-08-04 16:43:55 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究肇因於對當代爆發的生態危機議題的思考和對現代化發展模式的反思,嘗試發現微觀層面個體、群體如何在日常生活中超越既定社會結構限制積極回應這一宏觀問題、開闢化解危機的另類生活。
    本研究為詮釋性研究,以香港嶺南大學彩園計劃食農教育項目和其教育社群為研究對象,採用參與式觀察和深度訪談,並結合文獻分析,對田野調查中獲取的一級資料和次級資料進行深描,呈現嶺南彩園食農教育產生的社會歷史脈絡,梳理香港都市化過程中大學食農教育社群形成的歷程。研究發現“農”在香港高等教育發展中基本處於缺席的狀態,然而在香港階層區分的情境下,邊緣位置的學校為塑造優勢允許更多的創新,結合其它社會偶然因素共同為食農教育在高校發生創造了機會。彩園作為食農教育平台通過組織不同層級的活動不斷捲入新的參與者,在都市環境中生產農耕體驗、推動“農”的傳播和思辨,使反抗資本主義操縱的意志和行動持續被醞釀、創造和擴散。彩園作為公共空間重新建構了校園有機性、活化了校園和人際互動、創造了集體性和公共性以及個體對自己身體的覺察和反省。 從食農教育社群的生命歷程中展現出農本生活既是越界和創造的存在美學實踐,也是個體在日常生活中以存在美學為指引的溫柔的社運方式,其內裡成為個體和群體堅持的原始動力為對審美生活的追尋,而農本生活中所包含的融合、希望、自由、創造力等價值可以把日常生活塑造為藝術的審美生活。
    This study is based on a thinking of the contemporary ecological crisis which broke out along with the development of modernisation. It attempts to discover how individuals and communities can transcend the constraints of current social structures, respond positively in their daily lives and open up alternative ways of living, as the purpose of the study to provide response to the macro issues from micro level.

    Food and agriculture education began as a reflection on the dietary problems in modern society and has developed into a new culture of food and agriculture and a sustainable style of living. By far the research on food and agriculture education has mostly focused on curriculum, effectiveness and institutional themes. This study takes a step back and traces more fundamentally the value of agriculture, as the common meta-concept among farmers, rural area and agriculture in food and agriculture education and the orietal society. This study combines Foucault`s aesthetic theory of existence to explore the multiple values of agriculture as a form of practice that mediates the interaction between people, society and nature. It returns the voice to the farmers constructing the values of agriculture-based life from a local perspective.

    This is an interpretive study and the research subject is food and agriculture education project and its educational community in Lingnan University of HongKong. The study used participatory observation and in-depth interview in field survey and collected other secondary data from media and publications, presenting the socio-historical context of the emergence of the food and agricultural education project, and deeply describing the formation of the food and agricultural education community. The study found that agriculture has been largely absent from higher education in Hong Kong. Due to the class distinctions in the colony, marginal colleges have given more space for innovation in order to shape their advantage, which, combined with other social contingencies, have created opportunities for new programmes. As a platform, Lingnan Gardeners` Project continues to involve new participants by organizing different activities producing farming experiences, spreading of farming and promoting discernment. As a public space the garden reconstructs an organic campus, in which interpersonal interaction on campus is revitalized and collectivity and communality are created. The life history of the food and agriculture education community reveals that agriculture based life is both a transgressive and creative aesthetic practice of existence, and a gentle social movement guided by the aesthetics of existence in everyday life of individuals. The original motivation of individuals and the community is to search for an aesthetic life. The values of integration, hope, freedom and creativity contained in the agriculture based life can shape everyday life into an art work.
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    描述: 博士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105463508
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100929
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