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    Title: 職場資訊安全意識研究-以台灣地區為例
    A Research of Information Security Awareness in Workplace: Case in Taiwan
    Authors: 吳松晏
    Wu, Sung-Yen
    Contributors: 陳立民
    Chen, Li-Ming
    Wu, Sung-Yen
    Keywords: 資訊安全意識
    Information Security Awareness
    Information Security Management
    Taiwan workplace
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:39:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有鑒於現今多數企業無論是辦公事務抑或是提供之服務等,幾乎已離不開資訊科技,再加上近期為控制新冠疫情配合實施在家上班的企業數量也有上升的趨勢。因此員工的資安意識將影響企業的資訊安全防護是否能確實實施。本研究調查台灣地區在職人士之資安意識,並研究員工之知識、態度及行為之間彼此的關聯性及這三項因素與資訊安全管理之間的關聯性,資訊安全管理則擬以資訊安全定義當中的三要素機密性、完整性以及可用性作為因子。研究資料搜集方式採取將線上問卷藉由各社群平台發佈取得,統計方法則採取多元線性迴歸進行相關性之分析。研究結果顯示知識、態度及行為彼此之間皆有顯著的相關。而此三項因素與資訊安全管理因素之間,則僅有態度及行為與企業資訊的機密性及完整性具有顯著的相關性。
    According to the fact that almost every business is not able to run without information technologies nowadays, plus there are also more and more corporations start the work-from-home policy due to the COVID-19, information security awareness (ISA) among employees starts playing a big part in protecting business information. We did the research on the ISA among Taiwanese employees. In addition, we also analyzed the relationship among their knowledge of IS, attitudes toward IS, behavior relate to IS (KAB), and Information Security Management (ISM). When it comes to ISM, there are three factors included, which confidentiality, integrity and availability are. Data was collected with the online survey questionnaire through social medias, and multiple linear regression was used for data analysis. The findings indicating that there’re significant relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior. On the other hand, the correlation between KAB and ISM, only attitude and behavior found to be significantly influencing confidentiality and integrity of business information.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363103
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100897
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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