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    Title: 奶粉消費者的聰明購物感受- 全通路購買路徑比較
    The smart shopping feeling of milk buyer: Comparisons between webroomers and showroomers
    Authors: 蔡雨軒
    Tsai, Yu-Shiuan
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Tsai, Yu-Shiuan
    Keywords: 聰明購物感受
    Smart shopping feeling
    Smart shopping
    Omni-channel retailing
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:39:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著電子商務的興起,消費者購買日常用品不再侷限於單一管道,而是傾向綜合更多的購買通路,找尋適合自己的商品,並提升購買過程中的效率、減少花費時間、精力,以獲得更好的購買選擇。而過去研究僅針對大範圍的零售商品進行討論,本研究聚焦在消費者購買兒童奶粉產品行為上,將消費者分為「線上瀏覽線下購買者 (Webroomer)」、「線下瀏覽線上購買者 (Showroomer)」兩大群體,探討(1)購買前行為(包含「搜尋」、「消費規劃」)是否有所差異,(2)這些精明消費者是否因購買行為形塑他們的「聰明購物感受」,(3) 身為聰明消費者,購後是否又會將相關購買資訊分享給親朋好友。

    本研究針對曾購買過兒童奶粉的家長進行問卷調查,共收集 224 份有效問卷。

    一、奶粉購買者中,Webroomer 和 Showroomer 在產品搜尋有顯著差異 ; 而 在購買規劃行為則沒有顯著差異。
    With the trend of e-commerce, consumers are no longer limited to a single channe l for purchasing everyday products, but tend to integrate many purchasing channels to find the right products for themselves, and to improve the efficiency of the purchasing process, reduce time and effort, and get the right purchase. This research focuses on the behavior of consumers in purchasing children`s formula products. Consumers are divided into two groups: “Webroomers” and “Showroomers”. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the smart shopping behavior between Webroomers and Showroomers, including pre-purchase behavior (“information search” and “planning for purchases”), the motivation of smart shopping (“time/effort saving”, “money saving” and “right purchase”) and post-purchase behavior (“sharing”). Moreover, we try to prove the smart shopping behavior which we mentioned above are correlated with smart shopping feeling.
    224 valid samples were collected in the research. All the respondents are parents who had purchased toddler formula for their children in the last 3 years. The results of the study are summarized as follows.
    • Webroomers put more effort on information searching than showroomers. But there is no significant difference in planning for purchases behavior between webroomers and showroomers.
    • The information searching and planning for purchases behaviors of toddler formula buyers are positively correlated with smart shopping feeling.
    • The purchasing motivation of toddler formula buyers (“time/effort saving”, “money saving” and “right purchase”) are positively correlated with smart shopping feeling.
    • The sharing behavior of toddler formula buyers is positively correlated with smart shopping feeling.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363091
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100952
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