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Title: | 網紅關注誘因與廣告創意程度對消費者行為意圖之影響:以懷疑人格為調節變數 The Effects of Influencer Charisma and Advertising Creativity on Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions: The Moderating Role of Skepticism |
Authors: | 曾純煊 Tseng, Chun-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 陳冠儒 Chen, Kuan-Ju 曾純煊 Tseng, Chun-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 網紅 網紅行銷 網紅關注誘因 廣告創意程度 懷疑人格 行為意圖 Influencer Influencer marketing Influencer charisma Advertising creativity Skepticism Behavioral intentions |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 16:35:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網紅經濟的發展,許多企業都已將與網紅合作做為行銷策略的重點之一,因此如何挑選合適的網紅來推薦產品以增加廣告說服力與影響消費者行為意圖,是企業所需面對的重要課題。綜觀過往學者的研究,針對網紅行銷領域多圍繞在探討網紅行銷的廣告效果、網紅形象與可信度對購買意圖的影響,鮮少同時針對網紅內在與外在的特性以及廣告內容的呈現方式對消費者行為意圖影響的探討。因此本研究欲分析在網紅行銷之中,消費者對於網紅的關注誘因以及廣告創意程度的認知,會對消費者之購買意圖、持續使用行為、分享與互動行為等行為意圖帶來何種影響,並深入探討消費者心理層面的懷疑人格可能產生的調節效果。 透過在社群網站上發放網路問卷的資料蒐集方式,並分析了308份有效問卷,研究結果發現網紅關注誘因與廣告創意程度對於行為意圖皆有正向且顯著的影響,本研究更發現懷疑人格在前述關係上的調節效果。懷疑人格會減弱網紅關注誘因對行為意圖的正向影響,以及懷疑人格會減弱廣告創意程度對行為意圖的正向影響。本研究理論上的貢獻為釐清網紅關注誘因、廣告創意程度如何顯著影響消費者的行為意圖,以及消費者心理層面的懷疑人格所產生的調節效果;實務上則可為企業在網紅行銷策略與執行上提供有效建議。 With the development of economy in influencer marketing, many companies have regarded it as an imperative marketing strategy. Selecting appropriate influencers to collaborate with, in an attempt to increasing advertising persuasiveness and boosting consumers’ behavior intentions, has become an important issue. As such, this study examine the effects of influencer charisma and advertising creativity on consumers’ behavioral intentions, including purchase intention, continuous usage, sharing and engaging behavior. This study further explores the moderating effect of skepticism in consumer psychology. Using a survey research method with an online questionnaire (N = 308) for data collection, the results indicated that influencer charisma and advertising creativity had positive and significant influences on consumers’ behavioral intentions. Most importantly, skepticism would weaken the relationship between influencer charisma and behavioral intentions, as well as the relationship between advertising creativity and behavioral intentions. Theoretically, this study contributes to the clarification of the complicate consumer decision-making processes and the moderating effect of skepticism in such processes. Managerially, the findings can provide useful suggestions for companies’ adoption and implementation of influencer marketing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 108363030 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363030 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101015 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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