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    Title: 中國對捷克共和國的外交 政策:公衆外交視角
    China’s Foreign Policy towards the Czech Republic: Perspective of Public Diplomacy
    Authors: 柯如玲
    Romanowska, Karolina
    Contributors: 李明
    Ming Lee
    Karolina Romanowska
    Keywords: 捷克共和國
    Public Diplomacy
    The Czech Republic
    The People ́s Republic of China
    China ́s Foreign Policy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:29:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Although, the concept of Czech foreign policy towards the People’s Republic of China has not been officially changed since the 1990s when diplomatic relations were re-established. I perceive that the approach and its relations have significantly changed, as it will be presented in the thesis on the recent events which took place since 2016. As have been already stated by several previous scholars, China’s influence in the Czech Republic is rapidly growing in recent years. Thus, my subject will be to provide and examined the current Czech political discourse towards China. Furthermore, the attention will be dedicated to the key instruments which are used by China in order to access the Czech environment.
    Aforementioned, this work is aiming to provide an overview of the development of Chinese foreign policy specifically on using its Public Diplomacy tools towards the Czech Republic. At the same time, I will approach the background within the historical context to conduct a solid foundational analysis for clarification of examined factors. Due to the dynamic development of recent events, especially when China has been quite successful in promoting its interests in the Czech Republic, the author will be primarily interested in the measurements of the effectiveness of Chinese public diplomacy and its implications.
    The author came to the conclusion that despite recently increased China ́s extensive activities in the Czech Republic, the overall effectiveness of China ́s PD, in general, is rather lower. The significant changes can be observed mainly in the specific areas, that are firmly analyzed at the work, while some part shows ineffective results. Although China ́s PD may seem weak and unsuccessful in some areas, the topic should certainly not be underestimated, as it may have a negative impact on the country in the near future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108926009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101107
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