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    Title: 被認知的貪腐對五個OECS國家中CBI計畫的影響
    Impact of Perceived Corruption on the Citizenship By Investment (CBI) Program in Five OECS Countries
    Authors: 魏柏全
    Joshua, Bertrand Wendell
    Contributors: 吳德源
    Der-Yuan Wu
    Bertrand Wendell Joshua
    Keywords: 公民資格
    Economic Development and Perceived Corruption
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:29:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在對投資型公民計劃進行研究,該計劃已成為東加勒比國家組織的一種現象。我國聖露西亞於2016 年,成為該計劃實施最近期的一個國家,聖克里斯多福及尼維斯則於1984年,成為世界上第一個實施該計劃的國家。投資型公民計劃是 OECS 國家和歐洲國家的主要收入來源。它是合法的,但作為政府籌集急需資金的手段,仍然備受爭議。投資型公民計劃的研究相對新穎,探討該計劃正面意義的相關文獻並不多,相反地,多數研究關注其他方面,特別是清廉程度 (The perception of corruption) 這部分。在本論文中,作者將試圖探討論述,以反對將護照作為發展手段、恣意出售。我還想在本文中提出反論: 出售公民資格,不會使經濟不平等現象影響政治領域,而將為政府提供可觀投資,促進發展。
    This research seeks to undertake a study of the Citizenship by Investment Program which has become a phenomenon in the OECS Caribbean with Saint Lucia becoming the last country to implement this program in 2016 and St. Kitts and Nevis being the first country in the world to implement the program in 1984. Citizenship by Investment is a major source of income for OECS countries as well as European countries. It is legal but still stands as the most controversial means of governments raising much needed financing. The study of Citizenship by Investment is relatively new and there is very limited literature that explores the positives of the program and a lot of attention is paid to other aspects especially the perception of corruption. This research seeks to examine arguments for and against selling passports as a means for development. Additionally, this research will argue that the selling of citizenship does not bring economic inequality into political sphere’s and its not a policy that breeds corruption but rather provides significant investment for government which promotes development.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108862015
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101063
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