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    Title: 工業電腦廠之訂閱制發展:基於數位化服務觀點之個案研究
    A Case Study on the Subscription Model Development of Industrial Personal Computer Company from the Perspective of Digital Servitization Theories
    Authors: 羅皓
    Luo, Hao
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Luo, Hao
    Keywords: 製造服務化
    Digital Servitization
    Subscription Model
    Manufacturing Industry
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:28:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著工業4.0的趨勢以及各式智能科技的發展,各國政府以及企業皆在傳統製造業的轉型上都不遺餘力的積極發展。而工業電腦產業作為我國諸多製造業的其中一個巨擘,該產業的企業在這波轉型上亦首當其衝,透過智能科技(如物聯網、人工智慧等)的快速發展與應用來加速我國工業電腦產業的轉型,並在既有的軟硬整合之解決方案的基礎上,為客戶提供更為符合其需求的數位解決方案,與其共創價值並創造下一波的工業奇蹟。
    目前工業電腦廠商現在正積極發展的數位解決方案正是與Vandermerwe and Rada (1988)所提出的製造服務化理論之內涵高度契合,此數位解決方案正是本研究所欲探究之議題-數位化服務,而此議題的實務應用模式之一即為訂閱制。在此背景下,本研究希望探究此等新科技的使用會如何在工業電腦廠商的商業模式以及其價值鏈上會有何改變,訂閱制的機制是如何創造更多的價值。為解答此些問題,本研究將透過質性研究之方式一探究竟。而據研究發現,訂閱制的實施對於工業電腦廠商實乃數位化服務的良好模式,然而此模式仍屬起步之狀態,對於整體供應鏈的影響上短期仍屬有限,長期來說是否為最佳的操作模式仍待時間來驗證。
    With the trend of Industry 4.0, governments and enterprises have spared no effort in the transformation of traditional manufacturing industries world-widely. As a giant of manufacturing industries, Industrial Personal Computer (e.g. IPC) manufacturers develop many of intelligent technologies (such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, etc.) accelerating the development of IPC industry. At present, the value proposition of digital solution that IPC manufacturers developing is highly consistent with the Servitization theory which is proposed by Vandermerwe and Rada (1988). Moreover, the practices of digital solution are also called Digital Servitization, and one of the business models catered to it is Subscription Model. In this context, this research hopes to explore how the practices of these new trend and technologies will change the business model of IPC manufacturers and their value chain, and how the subscription model can create more value. In order to find those questions, this research will find out those answers through qualitative research. According to research, the implementation of the subscription model is exactly a fine model of Digital Servitization for IPC manufacturers. However, this model is still in early-developing, and its impact on the overall supply chain is still limited in the short term. The long-term efficacy still needs time to verify.
    The academic implication of this research is to add more discussion between theory and practice, increasing the depth and breadth of Digital Servitization research for following researchers to explore.
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