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    Title: 外包給競爭者的策略分析 -以蘋果、三星、台積電的競合關係為例
    The Strategic Analysis of Outsourcing to OEM’s Competitor – The Case Study of the Coopetition among Apple, Samsung and TSMC
    Authors: 陳玟妤
    Chen, Wen-Yu
    Contributors: 許牧彥
    Hsu, Mu-Yen
    Chen, Wen-Yu
    Keywords: 外包
    Contract manufacturing
    Brand manufacturer
    Third-party manufacturer
    Coopetition strategy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:27:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 代工一直是台灣發展工業的重點項目,而每年的外銷訂單中,代工就佔了八成。台積電的全球晶圓代工更在全球占有一席之地,可見代工的相關研究對於台灣具有代表性。本研究欲針對品牌商對於代工商的決策進行探討,該選擇第三方代工商還是競爭者代工商才是正確的呢?Heese, Kemahlıo˘glu-Ziya, and Perdikaki (2020) 的理論模型認為在競爭態勢不明顯及具規模經濟的情況下,外包給競爭對手可能是最佳策略。
    本研究以個案研究法針對蘋果外包應用處理器給三星及台積電的案例來對Heese etc. (2020)的假設進行否證。本研究認為蘋果在代工商的轉換必有其因,而這些因素或許能成為修正現有理論模型的契機。因此,本研究將深入了解「蘋果屏棄三星,轉請台積電代工」的實際發展過程,以這三家公司的競合個案來否證Heese etc. (2020)所提出的命題。並從個案中提取線索,顯示Heese etc. (2020)的模型設定有所不足之處,作為修正其理論模型的實證基礎。
    Contract manufacturing has always been important for industrial development in Taiwan, and accounts for 80% of Taiwan’s annual export. For any firm who needs to outsourcing manufacturing activities to contractors, the first question raised is “How to choose a manufacturing contractor?”. The traditional wisdom is choosing a third-party manufacturing contractor rather than a competitor manufacturing contractor who might steal your know-how or business in the future. However, Heese, Kemahlıo˘glu-Ziya, and Perdikaki (2020) argued that, when market is less competitive, outsourcing to competitors may be the best strategy by exploiting the cost reduction from economies of scale. This study tries to falsify the hypothesis of Heese etc. (2020) by the case of Apple shifting the order of iPhone’s CPU from Samsung (competitor manufacturing contractor) to TSMC (third-party manufacturing contractor). This study found that outsourcers should choose third-party manufacturing contractor rather than competitor manufacturing contractor when considering the learning effects and technical entry barriers caused by rapid technology iteration and high R&D investment. For, the current choice of contractor will determine which contractor is available for the next technology generation. In order to prevent the future block from competitor manufacturing contractor and to allow third-party manufacturing contractor having sufficient funds to invest in the R&D of future technology, outsourcers should not follow the suggestion of Heese etc. (2020). This management implication is also applicable to other industries with obvious learning effects and rapid technological iteration.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100675
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