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    Title: 我國臨床研究委託機構(CRO)的知識管理活動與知識管理影響因素之探討
    Exploring Knowledge Management Activities and Influential Factors of Contract Research Organizations (CRO) in Taiwan
    Authors: 葉宜芝
    Yeh, Yi-Chih
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Yeh, Yi-Chih
    Keywords: 知識管理
    Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management Influential Factors
    Knowledge Management Activities
    Knowledge-Intensive Industry
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:27:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研發一顆藥物平均需耗費10-15年的時間,與100-200億台幣的金錢成本,加上全球監管日趨嚴格下,藥物開發顯得更加複雜且困難,特別是中間過程需要冗長的、花費龐大的臨床試驗。而對藥廠來說,大部分是沒有執行臨床試驗的能力,因而,需要專業的臨床研究委託機構(CRO)來協助。根據Frost & Sullivan推估,2019年全球CRO營業額約達497.4億美元,較2018年成長8.5%,由此可見,製藥廠將臨床試驗委外的需求不斷上升,使得CRO在生技醫藥產業占有舉足輕重的地位。而以往有關CRO的論文研究中,較多針對其策略面、業務及營運模式等作探討,鮮少著重於知識管理面向。所以就知識密集型的CRO產業來說,因而存在著重要的研究缺口,因此,本研究以CRO產業為主軸,選定我國提供臨床研究委託服務之機構,探討其知識管理的作為。



    Developing a new prescription medicine takes 10-15 years and costs drugmakers NT$10-20 billion on average. Under strict supervision, it is brutally difficult for a drug to be approved for marketing; especially the highly expensive, time-consuming clinical trials. Hence most pharmaceutical companies need the support of Contract Research Organization (CRO) to conduct clinical studies. According to Frost & Sullivan, the global CRO market in 2019 is approximately US$49.74 billion, with an 8.5% growth compared to 2018.

    This shows that the demand for clinical trials outsourcing has become increasingly common in the pharmaceutical industry. That is where the CRO play a pivotal role. The previous studies have focused largely on aspects of business strategy, operation and business model of CRO. Given that CRO is a knowledge-intensive industry, the lack of research in knowledge management has led to a serious research gap. Thus, our study explores the knowledge management practices of institutions that provide CRO services in Taiwan. We adopted an integrated research framework, including two main views; knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities. The first view includes “Strategy and Leadership,” “Organizational Culture,” “People” and “Informational Technology.” The second view includes “Knowledge Creation and Absorption,” “Knowledge Accumulation and Storage,” “Knowledge Diffusion and Exchange," and “Knowledge Protection.” Based on this framework, we investigated the knowledge management practices during the “execution” phase of clinical trials of CRO in Taiwan. The employed research methodology is multiple case studies. We selected four institutions that provide CRO services in Taiwan to demonstrate the relationship between knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities.

    Conclusions drawn from this study:
    1. When implementing knowledge management, the more the concept of knowledge management is integrated with the standard operating procedures, the easier it is to carry out knowledge accumulation and storage and knowledge protection activities for CRO in Taiwan..
    2. When implementing knowledge management, CRO in Taiwan emphasized the importance of shared experience and the application of information technology on knowledge diffusion and knowledge exchange.
    3. When implementing knowledge management, CRO in Taiwan emphasized the coordination between the support from executives and integration of the human resource management system on knowledge diffusion and exchange, and knowledge accumulation and storage.
    4. When implementing knowledge management, CRO in Taiwan considered internal SOP, clinical trial protocol, relevant academic literature, and participation in public seminars as important sources of internal and external knowledge absorption.

    The final section of our study provided the theoretical and practical implications, and proposed suggestions for future researchers to carry out.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364107
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100721
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of TIPM] Theses

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