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    Title: 廈門沙坡尾藝術西區作為一個文創園區經營之探討
    Study on the Management of a Cultural and Creative Park:Xiamen Shapowei Art Zone as a Case
    Authors: 王思婷
    Wang, Si-Ting
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Wang, Si-Ting
    Keywords: 文化創意產業
    Cultural and Creative Industry
    Cultural and Creative Industry Park
    Creative City
    Sustainable Entrepreneurship
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:25:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著文化創意產業的蓬勃發展,各國不斷增加文化創意產業的投入和補助。文創園區也成為關注的焦點,而文化本身的特性和商業獲利經營的衝突,也使得文創園區的經營較為複雜。如何經營管理文創園區,在穩定經營地同時保證文化特性,也成為值得深思和探討的問題。本文研究對象為廈門沙坡尾藝術西區,從Landry的「創意城市七要素」、李華晶、張玉利(2012)提出的可持續創業框架入手,研究廈門沙坡尾藝術西區的經營,力圖通過研究回答以下三個問題:
    As the cultural and creative industry rapidly develops, all countries continue to increase the investment and subsidy to the culture industry. Cultural and creative industry park also becomes a focus. However, the conflict of cultural features and commercial operations makes a complicate operation of the park. It is worthy of further thinking and discussing that how to operate and manage the cultural and creative industry park with a balance of stable operations and cultural features. This present paper took Shapowei Art Zone as the study object, referred the Landry`s Seven Elements for Creative City and the Li Huajing and Zhang Yuli`s sustainable startup framework proposed in 2012, and studied the Zone`s operation for meeting these seven elements or not. This present paper aimed to answering the three questions below by research.
    (1)How does the operation team of the Shapowei Art Zone promoted its operations?
    (2)Which element among "Seven Elements" is the operation team of the Zone up to?
    (3)How does the operation team of the Zone achieved the sustainable startup development in the operations of the cultural and creative industry park?
    This present paper drew initial conclusions of:
    (1)The operation methods of the operation team of the Zone were that the team clearly defined target groups which are with a certain limits. The demands of target group were met from building facilities, settled merchants and holding activities and then there will be a transformation into commercial development after the Zone is of certain influences.
    (2)The Zone met the seven elements, especially the leadership, organization culture and multi-talents, and there was a mutual influence and existence.
    (3)The operation pattern of the Zone is a sustainable startup which includes the features of the cultural and creative industry its own.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364141
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100888
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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