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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/136653

    Title: 更自由或是更依賴探究:阿根廷與中國、印度的關係,對其於國際政治中的選擇自由之影響 (2003-2015)
    Towards Autonomy or A path to Dependence: Argentina relations with China and India (2003-2015)
    Authors: 李浩楠
    Cavalieri, Fernando Mauro Sambrani
    Contributors: 袁易
    Yuan, I
    Fernando Mauro Sambrani Cavalieri
    Keywords: 獨立
    Reshaping global governance
    North-South relations
    multilateral organizations
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:19:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 基什納政權(2003-2015)企圖讓阿根廷這個曾經奉行邊陲現實主義的國家在國際政治上更自由。為了能在國際政經關係中更自由,阿根廷不斷增加與亞洲兩大強權的互動-中國與印度;這樣的互動是雙向甚至是多向的。當阿根廷與中國、印度的經貿互動越來越蓬勃,阿根廷對美國與歐洲國家的經濟依賴程度也越來越低。但隨著阿根廷對中國或印度越來越依賴,阿根廷在與這兩個國家的互動中,漸漸變成南北關係中的南方 - 我們可以從阿根廷與中國的關係中觀察到。在國際政治上,美國過度聚焦在中東情事及2008金融海嘯,造成阿根廷與中國、印度的互動更加頻繁,最終導致國際治理重分配。不過阿根廷堅守自由價值,再加上其對於國際現實主義的信仰,也阻止了更大程度的國際治理重分配。
    The Kirchners’ administration (2003-2015) attempted to try autonomy in a country that was used to peripheral realism. In order to achieve autonomy in the political and economic realm, Argentina tried to have positive interactions with China and India. The previously mentioned interactions were done bilaterally and multilaterally. While economic interactions with both India and China originally looked promising, with Argentina having immense trade surplus with both Asian countries and moving away from Western Europe and America. However, as time went by, Argentina’s relationship with India and China resembled more a North-South relation, where Argentina had the role of the South. On the political ground, America’s focus on the Middle East and the 2008 financial crisis as well as a partially shared agenda enabled Argentina’s interactions with India and China to reshape global governance. However, Argentina’s liberal values in addition to some differences in goals for the global agenda prevented a wider degree of autonomy taking place.
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