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    Title: 錢簡意深:城鄉兒童金錢態度的分析
    Money is Meaningful: A Comparative Study of children’s talks about money attitudes between Urban and rural areas in Taiwan
    Authors: 余冰涵
    Yu, Bing-Han
    Contributors: 張盈堃
    Keywords: 兒童言說
    Children‘s Talk
    Urban and rural children
    Money Attitude
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:16:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究希望從城鄉兒童的言說中了解他們的金錢態度。本研究關注三個問題:1.城鄉兒童如何詮釋研究文本中展現的金錢態度?2.城鄉兒童言說中的金錢態度為何?3.城鄉兒童言說中的異同點為何?研究步驟有三:1.對城鄉兒童進行焦點團體訪談並對他們的言說進行分析;2.對城鄉兒童進行半結構式訪談並進行分析;3.分析比較城鄉兒童金錢態度異同點。本研究站在文化研究的立場,探討城鄉兒童的金錢態度及其背後的文化。
    This study aims to explore the money attitude of urban and rural children from their talks. This study focuses on three questions: 1. How do urban and rural children interpret the money attitude in the research text? 2. What is the money attitude of urban and rural children? 3. What are the similarities and differences between urban and rural children’s talks? This research takes three steps: 1. Conducting focus group interviews with urban and rural children and analyzing their talks; 2. Conducting semi-structured interviews with urban and rural children and analyzing their talks; 3. Comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences of money attitude between urban and rural children. The theoretical framework in this study follows the tradition of cultural studies, and thus this study explores the money attitude of urban and rural children and cultural context behind them.
    There are four main findings in this study as follows:
    1. “Implicit social money attitude”and “explicit childlike money attitude”:based on the analysis on the talks collected, this study finds that the talk texts of children from urban and rural and their concepts of money possess consistency and otherness. On the whole, the attitude towards money of the urban children turns out to be socialized, while the rural children simply hold more diversified attitudes .
    2. “Negotiated reading” media and “hybrid” language - group dynamics: from the focus group interviews with the urban and rural children, it can be seen that children can understand the information transmitted by the media based on their own experience to carry out “negotiated reading”. Due to the limited expression ability of children at this stage, so they often pick up others words in group discussions to make up for their own phrasing, so as to express themselves, which is what Bakhtin termed as “linguistic hybridity”.
    3. Challenges to the division of urban and rural areas: urban and rural areas were often regarded as the dividing point in the previous comparative studies. However, this study contends that such a simple classification should be too arbitrary. There are still many comparable features across urban and rural area, which are inclined to obscure the geographical divison and conplicate the research results.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108157019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100890
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