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    Title: 臺灣大學生學習越南語動機、成就 、滿意度與策略之研究
    Taiwanese College Students’ Motivation, Achievement, Satisfaction and Strategy for Learning Vietnamese
    Authors: 蔡玉鳳
    Sai, Ngoc Phung
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Chiu, Mei-Shiu
    Sai, Ngoc Phung
    Keywords: 學習越南語
    learning strategies
    Vietnamese learning
    learning motivation
    learning achievement
    learning satisfaction
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:13:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在了解臺灣大學生學習越南語之學習動機、學習成就、學習滿意度與學習策略之關係,期能改進教學以提升學生的學習動機與學習成效。本研究分為:
    1. 越南語學習者的外在動機高於內在動機,具有內在學習動機與統整調節的外在學習動機者在學習上表現積極,並獲取更佳的學習成就。
    2. 教師在教學中提供的SDT理論的心理需求支持,對越南語學習者的學習動機與學習成果有所助益。
    3. 越南語學習者主要使用的學習策略包括:認知策略、社會策略與記憶類。其中,認知策略對學期成績、聽力能力、寫作能力有所助益;記憶策略亦對學習者的聽力能力有幫助,而社會策略則對任何學習成就皆無影響。此外,僅有記憶策略與學習內在動機呈現相關。
    This research aims to understand the relationships between learning motivation, teaching satisfaction, learning strategies and learning achievements of Taiwanese college students in learning Vietnamese. It is expected that based on the findings, teaching can be improved to enhance students` learning motivation and learning effectiveness. This research is divided into:
    Study 1: This study examined the relationships among learning motivation, academic achievement and learning satisfaction of college students in Taiwan, by using a quantitative analysis method.
    Study 2: This study explored the internalization of students` learning motivation and its relationship with their learning outcome by analyzing the teachers` observation records and students’ comments. The teacher’s support in students` basic needs as posited in Self-determination theory (SDT) was also reflected in this study.
    Study 3: In order to understand the correlation between Vietnamese learning strategies, learning achievements and learning motivations, this study investigates whether students’ use of learning strategies can be predicted by their learning motivations, and whether their academic achievements can be predicted by their learning strategies, through a mixed methods of data analysis.
    Based on the results of the three above-listed studies, this study found that:
    1. There are more students with extrinsic motivation than there are with intrinsic motivation. Those with internal motivation and integrated regulation gain learning achievements and deeper learning.
    2. The support of the psychological needs of the SDT theory provided by teachers is helpful to the learning motivation and learning outcomes of Vietnamese language learners.
    3. The main learning strategies used by Vietnamese learners include: cognitive strategies, social strategies, and memory strategies. Among them, cognitive strategies are helpful to their academic performance, listening ability, and writing ability. Memory strategies are also helpful to learners` listening ability, but social strategies have no influence on any learning strategies. In addition, only memory strategies are related to intrinsic motivation.
    Based on the above results, this study provides suggestions for Vietnamese language teaching and learning.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106152517
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100785
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