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Title: | 從組織知識分享與應用對救災管理效能的影響:以臺灣北區海難防救體系為例之研究 The Influence of Organizational Knowledge Sharing and Application on Disaster Management Effectiveness: A Study of Maritime Disaster Response System in the Northern Taiwan |
Authors: | 邱詩耘 Chiu, Shih-Yun |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don-Yun 邱詩耘 Chiu, Shih-Yun |
Keywords: | 知識分享 網絡分析 救災管理效能 Knowledge Sharing Network Analysis Efficiency of Disaster Prevention and Response |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 16:07:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣以海洋立國,航運是目前我國國際貿易最主要的運輸模式,隨著全球化的發展,國際航運市場逐漸增加,導致臺灣周邊海域海洋船舶密度相當高,所衍生的風險也日益上升,尤其是貨輪於海面擱淺所造成的海難事件,其不僅對沿岸生態帶來嚴重衝擊,更考驗著相關政府單位的處理能力。 當災害發生時,政府無法在第一時間妥善進行危機處理的原因,除了本位主義、專責分工等官僚體制外,最關鍵的問題在於跨部會緊急應變小組間的知識無法有效流通、分享。處理一件海難事件不僅止於單純的船體擱淺,可能還有因船艙破裂造成漏油、沈船而導致船員生命危害等等。因涉及交通、環保等不同機關的專業知識,爰政府的工作係無法僅憑單項知識達成,因此海難緊急應變組織應用知識分享是有探討之必要。 本研究以量化問卷、網絡分析及訪談之方法,針對海難防救體系組織成員在知識分享因素、影響性及救災效能間進行研究,從知識管理的觀點出發,探討如何透過知識分享及網絡,摒除機關間本位主義所形成的藩籬。建立海難應變組織知識網絡,落實政府知識管理之成效,最後達到改善目前我國對於海難災害防救之效能。 One of the nation’s foundations in Taiwan is relied on ocean, therefore, the ocean-shipping has currently become the dominant transportation model for our country’s trade. With the galloping of globalization, the expansion of international shipping market results in high vessel density around Taiwan’s sea area, which also leads to elevation of risk, including the maritime casualty resulted from vessel grounding, especially. It not only has tremendous impact for coastal eco-environment, but to further test the crisis handling ability of related government agencies. Except for the bureaucracy, including parochialism and division of responsibilities, the knowledge can not be shared and communicated efficiently between interagency emergency response team is the vital problem for government to response properly when the disaster occurred at the first time. Dealing with a maritime casualty is not only involved in vessel grounding, also oil leak from the damaged vessel and life threatening of ship`s crews resulted from vessel sunken, etc. The government cannot resolve the problem by single expertise, because it might be involved in expertise from different interagency, including traffic and environmental protection, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the knowledge sharing between maritime casualty interagency emergency response team. In this study, we utilize the quantitative questionnaire survey, network analysis and interview to investigate the knowledge sharing, effectivity and efficiency of disaster prevention and response from members in maritime casualty prevention and response system. We aim to investigate how to get rid of the impediment resulted from bureaucracy through knowledge sharing and network in a perspective of knowledge management and to improve the efficiency of maritime casualty prevention and response in our country through establishment of the knowledge network of maritime casualty response team and achievement the effect of knowledge management by government. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921091 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921091 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100782 |
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