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Title: | 警察指揮官處理聚眾活動現場處置模式之研究-以太陽花學運及反課綱微調運動為例 A study on police commanders` modes of on-site management of mass demonstrations-Case studies of Sunflower student movement and Anti-black box curriculum movement |
Authors: | 謝育銘 Hsieh, Yu-Ming |
Contributors: | 詹中原 謝育銘 Hsieh, Yu-Ming |
Keywords: | 太陽花學運 反課綱微調運動 聚眾活動 警察指揮官 處置模式 Sunflower student movement Anti-black box curriculum movement Crowd gathering activities Police commander Handling mode |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 16:07:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 憲法保障人民有集會之自由,司法院大法官解釋釋字718號進一步解釋憲法第十四條規定的集會之自由,旨在保障人民以集體行動之方式和平表達意見。警察機關如何在保障人民以和平的方式表達意見的同時,盡量維護社會秩序,讓聚眾活動自始至終維持和平,並在衝突發生時予以應對,就是一個重要的議題。
在聚眾活動現場中,警察指揮官指揮現場的警力與各項佈署規劃,以及遇到突發狀況的處置模式,都會對聚眾活動有關鍵性的影響。近年來科技的日新月異以及社群媒體的發展,讓民眾集會的方式以及表達意見的型態也有了很大的改變,本文針對太陽花學運以及反課綱微調運動為例,透過文獻研究以及多位警察指揮官訪談,進行警察指揮官處理聚眾活動現場處置模式的分析以及研究、並提出具體可採用之建議。希望藉由這兩項聚眾活動的研究與分析,不僅讓日後的警察指揮官得以做為處置之參考,更可以讓一般民眾了解警察機關維護民眾安全以及保障人民和平進行集會活動的決心。 The Constitution guarantees the freedom of assembly for the people. Interpretation No. 718 further explains the freedom of assembly as stipulated in Article 14 of the Constitution, which aims to ensure that the people can express their opinions peacefully through collective action. How the police can ensure that the people can express their opinions in a peaceful manner, while maintaining social order as much as possible, and allowing crowd gathering activities to maintain peace from beginning to end, and to respond to conflicts is an important issue.
At the gathering activity site, the police commander`s command of the police force and various deployment plans, as well as the handling mode in case of emergencies, will have a key influence on the gathering activity. In recent years, the rapid development of technology and the development of social media have greatly changed the way people gather and express their opinions. This article focuses on the Sunflower student movement and the anti-syllabus fine-tuning movement as examples. Interview with a police commander, conduct analysis and research on the police commander’s handling of crowd gathering activities, and put forward specific recommendations that can be adopted. It is hoped that through the research and analysis of these two gathering activities, not only will the police commanders be used as a reference for handling in the future, but also the general public will understand the determination of the police to safeguard people`s safety and ensure the people`s peaceful gathering activities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 103921004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103921004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101121 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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