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    Title: 涉外租稅架構對公司價值影響之解析
    Analysis of the Impact of International Tax Structure on Firm Value
    Authors: 呂育陞
    Lu, Yu-Sheng
    Contributors: 陳香梅
    Chen, Shinemay
    Lu, Yu-Sheng
    Keywords: 涉外租稅架構
    International Tax Structure
    Ownership Structure Chains
    Tax Haven
    Tax Convention
    Tax Information Exchange Agreement
    Firm Value
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:05:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公司價值說明了公司的經營成果以及為股東創造財富的能力,對於股東及經理人皆是重要的績效指標,因此影響公司價值高低的決定因素便成為學術文獻上值得研究的議題。然而,公司的租稅負擔程度直接影響公司的稅後淨利,促使公司價值亦隨之受到波動。因此租稅規避帶來的租稅節省,能有效地降低經營成本,同時為股東帶來更高的稅後現金流量並提高公司價值。
    Firm value describes the company`s operating results and the ability to create wealth for shareholders, also an important performance indicator for managers and shareholders. Therefore, the determinants of the firm value have become issues worthy of research in academic literature. However, the extent of the company`s tax burden directly affects the company`s net profit after tax, causing the firm value to fluctuate accordingly. Therefore, the tax savings brought by tax avoidance can effectively reduce operating costs, while at the same time bringing higher after-tax cash flow to shareholders and increasing firm value.
    In the past ten years, multinational enterprises (MNEs) have begun to establish complex ownership structures, and then achieve tax avoidance and profit shifting through tax havens and treaty shopping. This article uses the ownership structure chains of listed companies in Taiwan from 2001 to 2019 to aggregate the characteristics of the international tax structure, then explore the impact on the value.
    A fixed-effect model is constructed by using unbalanced panel data. This article reveals several major results. First, the tax conventions have a positive impact on the value, but if the information exchange clauses contain stricter regulations will cause opposite influence. Second, the higher the utilization of tax havens, could create the higher value. Third, the length of the shareholding structure chain has a negative impact on the value. Fourth, tax information exchange agreements significantly shock the value. It shows that the MNEs face a more precarious situation in tax planning behavior.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108255021
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101096
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