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    Title: 協力治理與創新初探- 以桃園市龍潭區菱潭街地方創生為例
    Preliminary Research Collaborative Governance and Innovation-A case study of taking Lingtan Street Regional Revitalization, Longtan District, Taoyuan City
    Authors: 羅育茵
    Lo, Yu-Yin
    Contributors: 傅凱若
    Fu, Kai-Jo
    Lo, Yu-Yin
    Keywords: 協力治理
    Collaborative Governance
    Collaborative Innovation
    Regional Revitalization
    Citizen Participation
    Street Reconstruction
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 15:47:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,台灣各縣市地方發展出現困境,而2019年定為臺灣地方創生元年,並冀希達到「均衡台灣」目標,創造人與土地新的關係,減少城鄉差距,增加地方人口。而桃園市龍潭區菱潭街原係閒置多年的美食街,在地方創生推動青年人返回家鄉創業的背景下,運用桃園市青年事務局所提供協力創新政策工具參與式預算機制,結合在地青年人口啟動公民參與能量,將此街再造成功,展現公民社會實踐。此研究在於探討出推動地方創生背景下,政府與非政府組織和其他利益相關者,運用公私協力方式,與當地青年人口共同將菱潭街再造的過程,目前菱潭街繼續邁入第四個年頭,為龍潭區文藝觀光之窗,並推動地方創生,引民間資源及創意,透過人才培力及企業與資源媒合,提升當地能見度與專屬品牌,達到共享共好之永續發展。
    本研究以「半結構式的深度訪談」,以參與菱潭街再造之政府與非政府組織和其他利益相關者作為研究對象,用以學者 Lopes與 Farias的協力創新模型探討,公部門與私部門在協力的過程中,街區再造成功關鍵因素,分別為四大面向分別探討組織內部特徵、組織關係、公民參與工具及策略及管理角色和領導實踐,並探討菱潭街的未來永續經營與發展,冀許菱潭街成為其他地區地方創生及永續發展研究參考與運用,也供後續公部門與私部門協力創新之研究。
    Recent years, Counties and cities development difficulties in Taiwan. Taiwan is the first year of Regional Revitalization in 2019, and hope achieve the goal of "balanced Taiwan". Not only create a new relationship between people and land, reduce the gap between urban and rural areas but also increase the local population.
    The Lingtan Street, Longtan District, Taoyuan City was the “food street” that had been idle for many years. Promotion of young people returning to their hometowns to start businesses by Regional Revitalization. Successfully, use the Collaborative Innovation Policy instruments in participatory budget provided by the Department of Youth Affairs, Taoyuan City Government mechanism to energy initiate citizen participation in conjunction with the local youth population and reconstruction this street that show off civil society. This research’s background is to explore the process of promoting the Regional Revitalization, the government、non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders, using public-private partnership, and the local youth population how to reconstruction Lingtan Street. At present, Lingtan Street going to the fourth years, important for cultural and artistic tourism to promoted Regional Revitalization. To Enhancing exclusive brands and local visibility, use private resources、creativity and talent training and matching between enterprises、resources to achieve sustainable development of sharing and common good.
    This research uses "semi-structured in-depth interviews", the object is government、non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders involved in the reconstruction of Lingtan Street is the research .Use the collaborative innovation model of scholars Lopes and Farias, explore in collaborative process by sustainable operation and development, what is the success key factors in the street reconstruction . Respectively, four aspects for discuss internal characteristics of the organizations、organizational relationships、tools and strategies for citizen participation、strategy and managerial roles and leadership practices .The last, use the example of sustainable development in Lingtan Street, hope that this street will become a reference and application for Regional Revitalization and sustainable development research in other areas, and provide for government、non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to Collaborative Innovation research.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106256026
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101055
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