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    Title: 全球醫學影像技術之研究熱點與我國研發資源投入分析
    Investigating the Global Research Hotspots and National R&D Investment of Medical Image Technology
    Authors: 曾怡仁
    Tseng, I-Jen
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Lee, Pei-Chun
    Tseng, I-Jen
    Keywords: 醫學影像技術
    Medical image technology
    Research Hotspots
    R&D investment
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 15:32:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   在知識經濟時代,研發資源的投入被視作知識資本,其具有累積效果,有效率的資源投入能夠以知識的累積、傳遞,進而到擴散,並且對於整個經濟體系產生正面效益。在醫學領域中,醫學影像應用於各科別,涵蓋之廣,我國政府在相關領域之資源投入並不少,但研發資源有限,因此需掌握國際動態之發展,以此針對我國醫學影像技術之長期發展進行佈局與資源投入之規劃。本研究擬透過分析全球醫學影像技術之研究熱點,進一步比對我國政府在過去於醫學影像技術之研發資源投入項目,已呈現全球與我國在醫學影像技術發展之脈絡與軌跡。
      在全球研究熱點之分析面向,本研究透過尋找醫學影像技術之研究熱點,亦即在全球醫學影像技術領域中,研究方向之熱門主題,用以呈現醫學影像技術在全球發展之趨勢;本研究以Scopus資料庫做為分析研究熱點之資料來源,並以「medical image」、「medical imaging」與「medical imagery」為檢索詞,限縮題名及關鍵字,將資料下載並進行整理與分析。我國研發資源投入面向,本研究透過追蹤相關科研計畫,以了解我國政府在醫學影像相關投入之資源分佈與計畫內涵,俾有助於後續推動計畫方向之擬訂;本研究以GRB系統資料庫做為研究資料來源,查詢醫學影像相關計畫之表現,檢索詞為「醫學影像」、「醫學成像」、「醫學造影」及「醫學圖像」,並將資料下載後再進行整理與分析。以前述兩面向所做之整理與分析之結果進行比對,探究全球研發趨勢與我國所投入之資源,並辨識兩者之異同,提供我國政府於醫學影像領域之研發資源投入策略建議,以期有限之資源能發揮最大化之效益。
    Base on this knowledgeable economy generation that R&D investment is regarded as the capital of knowledge and has the accumulation effect. Using effective R&D investment can bring positive benefits to the entire economies through accumulation, transformation, and expansion. In medical domain, this study applies medical images in different divisions. Therefore, the government devotes a lot of effort on the related researches. Besides, the government needs to comprehend the global trend to plan long-term development and resource planning. This research analyzes global research hotspots in medical image technology, and furthermore, compares the influences of the past to the present from the research hotspots, which shows the global trend of medical image.
    From a global research hotspots perspective, this research intends to identify research hotspots of medical image technology showing global development tendency. This study uses Scopus as the data source to capture research hotspots, choosing “medical image”, “medical imaging”, and “medical imagery”, as the search term, shortened title, and keyword. Downloads the data resources to analyze them. The government devotes resources to R&D investment, this research tracks the related science and technology programs to comprehend the minutiae of R&D investment in the medical image by the government. To contribute to formulate the R&D policy, this study chooses GRB as the data source, which takes “medical image” as in Chinese search terms. After that, downloads the data resources and analyzes them. To compare the research hotspots with R&D research investment and distinguishes the similarities and differences. Finally, suggestions on R&D investment are provided in order to acquire the largest benefits based on limited resource allocation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108155010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101142
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