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    Title: 馬來西亞電動機車的市場潛力
    Market Potential of Electric Motorcycle in Malaysia
    Authors: 蔡明原
    Yuen, Isaac Chua Min
    Contributors: 張大為
    Chang, David
    Isaac Chua Min Yuen
    Keywords: 電動機車
    Electric Motorcycle
    Political Issues
    Environment Issues
    Air Pollution
    Water Pollution
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 15:05:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: In 2017, vehicles registration in Malaysia hit 28.2 million units. (Jonathan Lee, 2017). Other than 0.6% are Public Service Vehicles (PSV), the rest are private vehicles. The percentage of Motorcycles is 45% in overall which is the second popular transportation option in Malaysia. However, many people are not realized the average motorcycle is 10 times more polluting per mile than a passenger car, light truck or SUV. Motorcycles and scooters are on average about twice as fuel efficient as cars. Compact and lightweight, their internal combustion engines do a better job of converting fuel into energy that makes the vehicle move. But extracting more energy from the fuel has a downside. Indeed, it produces lesser carbon dioxide (CO2), but at the same time, it produces greater amounts of a smog-forming emission named as oxides of nitrogen. (Throttle Jockey, 2008)
    Years ago, Malaysia used to be a leader of EV development in ASEAN. The previous Pakatan Harapan administration has announced a 10-year plan of EV development. (Jonathan Lee, 2020). The plan including seven roadmaps and blueprints, plus 17 targets; the Electric Mobility is also aimed at getting 125,000 charging station up and ready by 2030. However, due to political issues and the lack of clear milestones, it seems Malaysia has dragged its feet in stimulating the public adoption of electric vehicles.
    This research is to analyze the market potential of the development of electric motorcycle in Malaysia. We will go through by using PEST analysis (especially the environment problem), the overview of Malaysia motorcycle market, challenge, and implementation of public adoption of electric motorcycle and also who should they collaborate with to explore the advance technology of electric motorcycle.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108933035
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101025
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