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    Title: 人工智慧對於侵權責任體系與保險制度之影響-以汽車自動駕駛為例
    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Tort Liability System and Insurance System - Taking Autonomous Driving as an Example
    Authors: 施智晟
    Shih, Chih-Cheng
    Contributors: 葉啟洲

    Yeh, Chi-Chou
    Chen, Chun-Yuan

    Shih, Chih-Cheng
    Keywords: 自動駕駛
    Autonomous vehicles
    tort liability
    strict liability
    product liability
    compulsory automobile liability insurance
    artificial intelligence
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 14:53:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,由Alpha Go做為開端,人工智慧之發展逐漸茁壯,尤其是自駕車的發展更是蔚為風潮。而一年多前爆發COVID-19後,許多國家政府鼓勵民眾減少不必要之人與人的接觸以降低受感染的風險,主打無人駕駛的自駕車更是因此而受到重視,如中國大陸、美國、法國、俄羅斯等多國已用其運送物資、包裹、藥物及檢體。為爭奪這塊利基市場,我國政府的立法上及保險業亦應為更積極的應對措施,而本文即對該具體應對措施進行討論。首先,本文於第二章部分討論自駕車事件適用我國現行侵權損賠責任體系時可能產生之疑問,於第三章則以比較法上最具參考價值的德國與美國為借鏡,針對上開疑問進行探討並進行分析。第四章係由保險制度及保險業者角度切入,探討自駕車事件下既有風險可能之變化及是否有新興風險應運而生,而於如此變化下,現行保險制度有何檢討之處且論及可能的修正方式、保險業者亦應做出何種應對。本文最後之結論則乃將上述所論者進行彙整,對於自駕車時代下法制面及實務面之發展方向及可能,提供微末建議,冀本文得對我國未來訂定相關法規時有所助益,而令立法者加快腳步跟上實務面的需求。
    In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence has gradually grown stronger with Alpha Go as the starting point, especially the development of self-driving cars have become a rage. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 more than a year ago, many governments have encouraged people to reduce unnecessary human contact to reduce the risk of infection. After the outbreak of COVID-19 more than a year ago, many governments of countries encouraged people to reduce unnecessary person-to-person contact to reduce the risk of infection. As a chance, self-driving vehicles have been gaining attention as a result; for example, many countries such as China, the United States, France, Russia have used it to transport materials, packages, medicines and specimens. In order to compete for this niche market, our parliament and the insurance industry should take more proactive measures, which is discussed in this article. In Chapter 2, this article discusses the questions that may arise when the incidents attributed to self-driving vehicles apply to the current tort liability system in our country. In Chapter 3, this article takes Germany and the United States as an example, which are the most valuable references in comparative law, as a reference point to analyze the questions above. In Chapter 4, from the perspective of the insurance system and the insurer, this article intend to discuss the possible changes in the existing risks and whether there are emerging risks arising from the self-driving incidents. In the last paragraph, this article review the discussion above, and provide subtle suggestions on the direction and the possibility of the development of legal and practical aspects in the era of self-driving vehicles, hoping that this article will be helpful to my country in formulating relevant laws and regulations in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107358004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101076
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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