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Title: | 探討 2D 與 VR 媒體敘事對於博物館成效之影響 Examining the Impact of Storytelling on Museum Performance in 2D and VR Medium Environment |
Authors: | 蔡亞芸 Tsai, Ya-Yun |
Contributors: | 張欣綠 Chang, Hsin-Lu 蔡亞芸 Tsai, Ya-Yun |
Keywords: | 數位媒體 敘事效果 虛擬實境 使用者體驗 博物館 Digital media Storytelling Virtual reality User experience Museum |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 14:46:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 有鑒於資訊科技的發展,博物館正探尋使用創新科技使之更接近一般觀展民眾的機會,更加重視博物館觀眾的整體參觀經驗。新興數位媒體使博物館文物展覽可拓展至實體博物館外,無論是在線上展示其歷史文物,或在其他空間進行展覽品展示。而台灣知名的國立故宮博物院也不外乎搭上數位應用的熱潮,致力發展數位媒體之文物展示應用。本研究與國立故宮博物院合作,探討 2D 及虛擬實境數位媒體敘事對於國立故宮博物院品牌成效,旨在檢驗在博物館場域之下,何者數位媒體能達到最佳的文物展示使用者體驗。 研究中分析三種不同數位媒體(影片、互動網頁、虛擬實境)對於使用者體驗(沈浸式體驗、參與式體驗)之關聯性比較,並同時加入媒體敘事探討其在前者關聯性之間是否存在調節效果。此外,本研究測量不同文物型態(書法或繪畫類型文物)對於模型的適配程度,定義模型〇:一般模型,亦即不區分文物型態;模型一:專注於探討書法類型文物(研究採用《懷素自敘帖》);模型二:專注於探討繪畫類型文物(研究採用《趙孟頫鵲華秋色》)。結果顯示虛擬實境在數位文物展示過程中,能夠達到最佳的使用者體驗成果,其成效優於影片展示,其次為互動網頁展示。我們歸納虛擬實境擁有最豐富的感官效果,在數位展演情境之下最能夠提供觀展者深刻的館展過程。此外,我們的研究發現參與式體驗能提升博物館品牌顯著性,接著正向影響博物館品牌成效。 本研究的成果不僅提供國立故宮博物院採用數位媒體與故事敘事展示文物及展品之洞見,更為全球博物館提供了新興數位媒體展覽文物的參考依據。 According to the development of information technology (IT), museums are looking for opportunities to approach the general public by means of innovative methods. The emerging media development makes it available to exhibit the cultural relics out of the museum or online. Museums such as the National Palace Museum (NPM) are no exception to work hard on digital transformation. This study aims to collaborate with NPM to explore the role media type and storytelling act, figuring out the most effective communication medium for their brand. In this research, we compared the effectiveness of three media types (generic 2D, interactive 2D, VR) to user experience (immersion and involvement). Storytelling was also added to investigate whether it has a moderating effect between the two. We also tested the effect across different types of the experimental cultural relics (calligraphy and painting). Three empirical models were created: Model 0 represents the original model, Model 1 focuses on calligraphy, and Model 2 focuses on painting. The result showed that VR media reached the highest level of user experience than video and website did. In addition, it is verified that immersion experience had a significant effect on brand prominence and brand prominence lead to significance of NPM performance. Our detailed analyses provide NPM some improvements of media and storytelling adoption to present its cultural relics and artworks. The findings proposed a reference for museums to design a promising presentation of the exhibitions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 108356005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108356005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100819 |
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