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Title: | 不同揭露樣式對消費者的知覺影響 以信用卡申請同意流程為例 The effect of different disclose patterns on consumer perception: Take the case of credit card consent process |
Authors: | 游程富 Yu, Cheng-Fu |
Contributors: | 蘇威傑 Su, Wei-Jie 游程富 Yu, Cheng-Fu |
Keywords: | 隱私權政策 點擊拘束契約 當事人同意 告知義務 揭露樣式 Privacy policy Click-binding contract Consent of parties Obligation to inform Disclosure patterns |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 14:26:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著數位科技的發展,以往許多需要臨櫃辦理的金融服務可以透過智慧型手機、平板電腦或是桌上型電腦在指掌之間就完成。在享受便捷服務的同時,消費者也需要面對無所不在的隱私權條款、服務條款等定型化契約以同意企業蒐集、處理與利用他們的隱私資料。 隱私權條款、服務條款等定型化契約作為企業與消費者揭露將如何蒐集、處理與利用其隱私資料範圍與目的等資訊的溝通媒介,廣泛存在於數位金融服務申辦的場景,隨著金融機構的大量使用,隱私權條款的呈現方式也發展出五花八門的樣貌。雖然呈現方式的樣貌不盡相同,但主要可以分為直接溝通與間接溝通兩種溝通方式。前者直接呈現隱私權條款內文予消費者閱讀。後者則將隱私權條款內文精簡成一段超連結,消費者需要點擊超連結後才能閱讀隱私權條款內文,企業透過這樣的設計以加快消費者的同意流程。因此,本研究透過模擬線上申請信用卡的情景,觀察消費者在面對直接與間接溝通方式之隱私權條款揭露樣式時,是否因為不同溝通方式而產生不同的影響。並且提出兩項研究問題(1)面對我國現行的兩種主流揭露樣式,消費者在揭露效率、揭露效果、揭露效力、揭露風險與企業觀感等構面上是否有所差異?(2)消費者對於線上隱私資料與現行的揭露樣式的想法與認知? 本研究透過網路問卷方式,蒐集213份具有使用線上數位金融服務經驗的消費者之樣本,並進行敘述性統計、獨立T檢定分析與獨立樣本二因子變異數分析。研究結果表明直接溝通揭露樣式在揭露效率、揭露效果、揭露風險與企業觀感等構面顯著優於間接溝通揭露樣式。本研究也發現對自身隱私權較重視、關心的受測者對於直接溝通揭露樣式有較高的滿意度。此外,本研究統計出消費者不願意閱讀隱私權條款最主要的原因為內容過於繁瑣,並且也發現若是事先為其整理隱私權條款內文會增加其閱讀的意願。最後,本研究針對研究結果提出實務上的建議與未來研究的方向。 With the development of digital technology, many of the financial services that need to be done in the counter can be done at the fingertips of a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. While enjoying convenient services, consumers also need to face ubiquitous privacy terms, service terms and other standardized contracts to allow companies to collect, process and use their privacy data. Privacy terms, the terms of service and so on standard contract as businesses and consumers to expose how will the collecting, processing and utilization of privacy information of scope and purpose of information and communication media, such as widely exists in digital financial services hosting scenario, with the use of financial institutions, the privacy provisions of the present method is also developed a variety of appearance. Although the appearance of the presentation mode is different, it can be mainly divided into direct communication and indirect communication. The former presents the text of the privacy clause directly to the consumer. In the latter case, the privacy clause is reduced to a hyperlink, and the consumer has to click the hyperlink to read the privacy clause, so that the enterprise can speed up the consent process. Therefore, this study, by simulating the online credit card application situation, examines whether consumers have different effects on the disclosure patterns of privacy policy in direct and indirect communication methods. In addition, two research questions are proposed. (1) In the face of the two current mainstream disclosure styles in China, are there any differences among consumers in terms of disclosure efficiency, disclosure effect, disclosure effectiveness, disclosure risk and corporate perception? (2) What do consumers think and understand about online privacy data and current disclosure patterns? A total of 213 consumers with experience in online financial services were collected by means of an online questionnaire, and descriptive statistics, independent t-test analysis and independent sample two-factor analysis of variance were performed. The results show that the direct communication disclosure style is significantly superior to the indirect communication disclosure style in terms of disclosure efficiency, disclosure effect, disclosure risk and corporate perception. This study also found that the subjects who paid more attention to and cared about their privacy had higher satisfaction with the disclosure style of direct communication. In addition, according to the statistics of this study, the main reason why consumers are unwilling to read the privacy clause is that the content is too cumbersome, and it is also found that sorting out the text of the privacy clause in advance will increase their willingness to read it. Finally, some practical suggestions are given based on the results of this study. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 108351020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108351020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101116 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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