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Title: | 澳門、香港旅遊宣傳廣告內容之比較分析:2007-2019 Macau and Hong Kong tourism advertising content Comparative analysis: 2007-2019 |
Authors: | 林詠儀 Lam, Weng-I |
Contributors: | 鄭自隆 Cheng, Tzu-Leong 林詠儀 Lam, Weng-I |
Keywords: | 澳門 香港 內容分析 旅遊宣傳廣告 Macao Hong Kong Content Analysis Tourism Advertising |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-07-01 22:05:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採用內容分析法及文本結構的方式以了解香港及澳門兩地之廣告及文化差異,主要為分析香港、澳門兩地及不同年代之廣告訴求、廣告呈現及廣告內容的差異,欲了解兩地作為同是後殖民城市的文化認同及影響;研究資料橫跨2008-2019年,共11年期間,並以兩地在YouTube平台上官方的旅遊頻道進行樣本的蒐集,共計168則廣告。
研究發現從廣告訴求的層面而言,香港著重廣告的效果,澳門以情感訴求為主;在廣告呈現上,香港廣告呈現較澳門的種類多元,同時影響力也較大;最後在品牌個性上,香港的廣告具活力及時髦,澳門的廣告則較溫柔及浪漫,在實務的建議上,本研究認為澳門的廣告需加強廣告訴求,而港澳兩地可加強與觀看者的互動性。最後從後殖民的角度出發,港澳在文化認同的複雜性主要體現在兩地都不是獨立的國家而是從殖民地重新回歸中國,因此兩地在文化上也需要作重新的定位;在回歸後,葡國在澳門的影響力逐漸縮少,同時是以中國的文化為主要的呈現。香港在回歸後,前殖民地的影響力仍然存在,同時這些前殖民地的象征是讓香港成為國際化的代表。 The main purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in advertising appeal, advertising presentation and advertising content between Hong Kong and Macao and in different eras, in order to understand the cultural identity and influence of the two places as the same post-colonial cities. The research data covers a period of 11 years from 2008 to 2019, and samples of 168 advertisements were collected from official travel channels on YouTube platform in two places.
The results show that in terms of advertising appeal, Hong Kong focuses on the effect of advertising, while Macao focuses on emotional appeal. In terms of advertising presentation, the types of Hong Kong`s advertising are more diversified than those of Macao, and their influence is also greater. Finally, in terms of brand personality, advertising in Hong Kong is dynamic and fashionable, while advertising in Macao is gentle and romantic. In terms of practical suggestions, this study suggests that advertising in Macao should strengthen advertising appeal, and Hong Kong and Macao can strengthen the interaction with viewers. Finally, from the perspective of post-colonialism, the complexity of Hong Kong and Macao`s cultural identity is mainly reflected in the fact that both of them are not independent countries but return to China from colonies, so they also need to make a new positioning in culture. After the return to China, the influence of portugal in Macao gradually dwindled, which was mainly manifested by Chinese culture. After the return of Hong Kong, the influence of the former colonies still exists, and the symbol of these former colonies is to make Hong Kong a representative of internationalization. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 107464054 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464054 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100528 |
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