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    Title: 落入社群媒體的Food Porn陷阱——以品牌社群貼文型態探討消費意向
    The Trend of Food Porn on Social Media: Exploring Consumer Responses to Brand Communication on Instagram
    Authors: 林駿
    Lin, Chun
    Contributors: 林芝璇
    Lin, Jhih-Syuan
    Lin, Chun
    Keywords: Instagram
    Social media marketing
    Restaurant brands
    Processing fluency
    Tie strength
    Electronic word-of-mouth
    Purchase intention
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 22:04:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著網際網路的發展,多元類型的社交媒體融入了大眾的生活,以及全世界逐年上升的社交圖像、影像創造量與分享量,顯示人們不斷演進的社群溝通方式。此外,由於消費者在用餐前多採用「手機先食」並上傳社群,以及食物攝影、食物擺盤的教學示範如雨後春筍般出現,不僅滿足了消費者的視覺滿足慾望,也彰顯了餐飲資訊在社群之中的潛力。然而,過往餐飲相關研究聚焦於文本類型的使用者產製內容,並探討如何對消費者產生影響,例如:餐廳的線上消費者評論、電子口碑,顯少以品牌產製內容的角度進行研究。因此,本研究聚焦餐飲品牌不同型態社群貼文的影響,以社交媒體作為傳播管道,結合電子口碑來源與數量,探討消費者的資訊處理流暢度、態度與購買意向。
    The rise of image-based social media has changed how consumers connect and interact with each other and with brands. Instagram, as an example, allows consumers to authenticate and diarize their experiences through creating and sharing visual content. As one of the most popular types of content on Instagram, food images have become a symbol of social sharing and social gaze, which provide the restaurant industry with the opportunities to capitalize on the impact of such phenomenon for branding purposes. While previous research has mainly focused on the influence of user-generated content (e.g., consumer reviews) in relation to gastronomic experience on consumer behavior, the current research integrates the literature in relevant fields to examine how restaurant brands may optimize the effectiveness of their brand communication on Instagram. Specifically, the current research investigates the effect of different food-related Instagram posts for restaurant brands on processing fluency, the impact of the source and amount of eWOM on such effect, and whether processing fluency may subsequently impact consumers’ attitude and purchase intention.
    The current research employed a 2 (types of food-related Instagram posts: food image vs. menu) X2 (the source of eWOM: strong tie vs. weak tie) X2 (the amount of eWOM: large vs. small) experimental between-subject design to test the proposed hypotheses. A total of 457 Taiwanese participants aged between 20 and 24 years old (i.e., Generation Z) took part in the online experiment. The findings showed that, while controlling for age, gender, and education level, participants’ processing fluency was higher in the food image condition than in the menu condition. However, the proposed two-way and three-way interaction effects on processing fluency were not significant, indicating that the source and amount of eWOM were not perceived as important cues when processing the posts. The findings further suggested that types of Instagram posts had a significant indirect effect on purchase intention through increased processing fluency and attitude toward the posts. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.
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