題名: | 科普平台中的報導產製:以《研之有物》為例 The Production of Science News in Popular Science Media: A Case Study of Research for You |
作者: | 華振翔 Hua, Chen-Hsiang |
貢獻者: | 黃葳威 Huang, Wei-Wei 華振翔 Hua, Chen-Hsiang |
關鍵詞: | 科學普及 科學傳播 影響階層模型 《研之有物》 Popular Science Science Communication Hierarchy of Influences Model Research for You |
日期: | 2021 |
上傳時間: | 2021-07-01 22:04:18 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 科學傳播的相關文獻傾向以「科學傳播」取代「科普」一詞的使用,主要是因為科普一詞背後預設赤字模式的缺失。惟過去研究卻鮮少關注當前科普媒體「科普」的意涵,是故,本研究認為需進一步探討當前科普媒體的文本產製意涵。
本研究以我國中央研究院(Academia Sinica)成立的科普媒體《研之有物》為個案,援引 Shoemaker&Reese(1996, 2014)所提出的影響階層模型(Hierarchy of Influences Model)為理論架構,透過深度訪談法探究《研之有物》作為科普媒 體的組織運作、科普報導產製影響因素,及其科普策略。
本研究發現,《研之有物》的科普報導產製非僅是「科學家—媒體—公眾」 直觀的單向傳播,而是從微觀至鉅觀有著不同因素參雜其中共構科普文本。至於 科普策略部分,《研之有物》除了科普寫作的知識轉譯策略,還包含科普推廣策 略。科普寫作的知識轉譯部分,本研究歸納四項科普寫作技巧,包含:「知識堆 疊」、「比喻與實例說明」、「脈絡鋪陳」,以及「科學史事包裝」;而科普推 廣部分,則包含「數位行銷」、「媒體合作」與「線下線上串連」等策略。 Previous studies have advocated utilizing the term “science communication” rather than “science popularization”; mainly because the latter has become associated with the label “deficit model”. However, few studies have paid attention to the current popular science media in Taiwan and analyzed their connotation of “science popularization”. Therefore, this study aims to interpret the connotation of “science popularization” of popular science media in Taiwan.
The study adopted Shoemaker & Reese’s (1996, 2014) “Hierarchy of Influences Model” to conduct a case study based on Research for You established by Academia Sinica, the national academy of Taiwan (Republic of China). In-depth interview was conducted among the members of Research for You and popular science journalists.
The result reveals that factors at the individual, routine, organizational and extra media/social institutional levels shaped science news production of Research for You. Based on the analysis, four popular science writing skills were identified: “knowledge stacking”, “analogy and instance providing”, “context providing” and “the employment of scientific history/story”. Besides, three science popularization promotion strategies were also identified: “digital marketing”, “media collaboration” and “offline & online integration”. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 107464008 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464008 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100576 |
顯示於類別: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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400801.pdf | | 4802Kb | Adobe PDF2 | 231 | 檢視/開啟 |