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    Title: 台灣化妝品牌國際化擴張策略分析-以F公司為例
    An International Expansion Strategy from A Taiwan`s Cosmetic Brand - A Case Study of F Company
    Authors: 黃榆倫
    Huang, Yu-Lun
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Fu, Jyun-Ying

    Huang, Yu-Lun
    Keywords: 國際化
    International strategy
    International expansion
    Channel management
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 21:35:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來臉部保養日益重要,走進屈臣氏或是康是美連鎖藥妝通路,架上玲琅滿目來自台灣品牌的面膜,也是中國、日韓,以及東南亞旅客來台主要瘋搶的商品之一,甚至是代購回自己的國家販售。從2010年代起,在許多國家的藥妝店通路都能見到台灣品牌面膜的蹤影,可見台灣品牌的面膜風靡亞洲市場,尤以本論文的個案公司—F公司的專利面膜名聞遐邇,在十年內進入至少五個海外市場,且為第一個於高級化妝品通路Sephora上架的台灣化妝品牌,因此本研究者想進一步探討F公司如何快速佈局海外市場。
    When you go into personal care stores in Taiwan, e.g., Watsons, or COSMED, you will see various masque brands on the selves which are made in Taiwan and are popular with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Southeast Asian tourists. Even more, some of them will purchase a large amount of goods and re-sell them as they are back to their country. Since 2010, we can see the masque brands from Taiwan have been sold to personal care stores in many countries, which reveals that the masque brands from Taiwan are in lots of markets in Asia. In this case study, F Company’s patented masque is famous around the Asia particularly, and expended to at least five overseas markets within ten years. In addition, the F Company’s brand is the first of Taiwan’s cosmetic brands sold on the upscale channel of Sephora. The purpose of study was to analyze how the F Company expended to overseas markets efficiently.
    This research will cooperate with the F Company which is a famous cosmetic brand in Taiwan. First, to develop interview pitch, this researcher collated of data about the environment and information of overseas markets which the F Company expended it. Second, study and analyze international expansion strategy of the F Company via an In-Depth Interview with founder of the F Company. Finally, Conducted the case study through theories to figure out further the reasons and modes of the F Company’s overseas market entry strategy. Additionally, advised opinions about F Company’s overseas market expansion strategy in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363088
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100562
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