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    Title: 影響Facebook和Instagram上的社群商務意圖因素有哪些
    Factors influencing Social Commerce Intention on Facebook and Instagram
    Authors: 顧穎萱
    Gu, Ying-Xuan
    Contributors: 洪叔民
    Gu, Ying-Xuan
    Keywords: 社群商務意圖
    Social commerce intention
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 21:27:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近幾年,零售業成長中,尤其是電子商務快速崛起,成長幅度遠大於零售成長幅度,且消費者改變消費習慣及模式,加上科技進步,手機和隨身電腦便利,消費者開始使用手機及電腦網購下單,隨之而來的是,社群媒體也作為商家們推廣產品的地方,會在社群媒體建立粉絲團提供產品資訊,也促進消費者提供及接受產品資訊,eWOM也成為影響社群商務的重要因素之一,而消費者在社群上的個人及社會因素也成為影響社群商務意圖的因素。
    In recent years, the growth of the retail industry, especially the rapid rise of e-commerce, and the growth rate are far greater than the growth rate of retail. Consumers change their consumption habits and patterns. With the evolution of science and technology and the convenience of mobile phones and portable computers, consumers began to use mobile phones and computers to shop online.
    Social media has also become a platform for marketers to promote their products. Store owners will build fan groups in social media to provide product information, and also promote product information to consumers and collect information from them. Therefore, EWOM has become one of the important factors affecting social commerce intention. The individual and social factors of consumers in the community also become the factors that affect the social commerce intention.
    The purpose of this study is to quantify the use of social commerce in Taiwan. Since Facebook and Instagram are the two most popular social media platforms in Taiwan, the questionnaire mainly focuses on the use of these two platforms. This study divides social commerce intention (SCI) into SCI receiving behavior and SCI giving behavior. The influencing factors were divided into 5 dimensions and 18 items, which were a personal factor, social factor, trust, service quality, and technology acceptance. This study will examine the impact of each of the 18 factors. In addition to the interference variables, explore how these 18 factors influence and change the social commerce intention across two different social media platforms.
    The results show that fun, altruistic behavior, reciprocity, associative social capital, bridging social capital, information support, trust in social media, service content, and two different social media all have a positive and significant effect on social commerce intention. Altruism, reciprocity, associative social capital, bridging social capital, information support, trust in social media, service content, and two different social media all have a positive and significant effect on the receiving behavior of social commerce intention. Fun, altruistic behavior, reciprocity, bridging social capital, trust in social media, and service content all have a positive and significant effect on social commerce intention.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363022
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100637
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