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Title: | 黃金世代使用穿戴式裝置之價值與態度探討 --以Apple Watch 為例 |
Authors: | 戴佳暄 Tai, Chai-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 白佩玉 戴佳暄 Tai, Chai-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 產品認知價值 享樂程度 形象提升 正向情緒 自我效能 社會影響 生活結合度 Product perceived value Hedonic level Personal image Positive emotion Self-efficacy Social influence Connectivity with life |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-07-01 21:21:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 針對科技產品採用的意願與動機,過去許多研究以企業角度探討顧客購買意願或顧客忠誠度,但較少研究以消費者的心理層面認知角度去探討,且以往相關的文獻較多以大學生或年輕族群為研究對象,故本研究結合上述兩個條件進行黃金時代對智慧型穿戴式裝置之價值與態度探討。
本研究以 Apple Watch 為研究工具,並鎖定 50 歲至 65 歲黃金世代為受訪 之對象。問卷蒐集採個別一問一答的方式進行,先由研究者播放 Apple Watch 產品介紹短片作為受訪之開端,經由短片使受訪者對於該產品有初步的認知 後,則開始約三十至四十分鐘的結構式訪談。本次研究透過滾雪球法蒐集 100 份有效問卷,並以結構方程模式檢驗研究假說。研究結果歸納如下:
1. 以黃金世代的立場,智慧型穿戴式裝置具有四項產品認知價值,若依重要 性排序為外觀吸引力、資訊性、社交性、易用性。資訊性與社交性對享樂 程度具有正向影響外,易用性與外觀吸引力對提升個人形象亦有顯著的正 向關係。
2. 若欲提升黃金世代的正向情緒,則享樂程度及社會影響為關鍵影響因素, 該產品愈具有娛樂性且提升他們「服老,但不認老」的形象,愈能強化黃 金世代的正向情緒。
3. 黃金世代若在使用該產品的過程中,其功能愈能結合他們的生活習慣,甚 至是融入他們生活裡,享樂程度就更能夠提升黃金世代的正向情緒。 Previous research discusses the purchase intention or the loyalty from the enterprise’s side; lack of research discusses the customers’ psychological motives towards new product adoption. Moreover, most literature on new technology adoption focuses on the younger generation or the college students. Therefore, to fulfill these research gaps, the study investigates the value of the wearable devices for the middle age, aged from 50 to 65, and their attitude and adoption intentions.
The study conducted 100 structured interviewees, along with 100 valid questionnaires to verify the research hypotheses using Structural Equation Model techniques. Accordingly, the results are included as follows:
1. For those aged 50-65, wearable devices have four types of perceived value,
including appeal attractiveness, informativeness, sociability and usability. Informativeness and sociability both have positive influences on hedonic level; usability and appeal attractiveness also have positive influences in enhancing personal image.
2. Hedonic level and social influence both positively influence the positive emotion, significantly.
3. For moderating effect, this study suggests that the better the wearable devices connect with their daily life, the stronger relationship between the hedonic level and positive emotion is. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 103363114 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103363114 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100473 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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