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    Title: 青色學校指標建構之研究
    A Study on the Indicators Construction of Teal School
    Authors: 張廷祥
    Chang, Ting-Hsiang
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-Yu
    Chang, Ting-Hsiang
    Keywords: 進化型青色典範
    Evolutionary-Teal Paradigm
    Evolutionary-Teal Organizations
    Teal School
    Concept Mapping
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 20:56:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究目的為建構青色學校指標,提供教育從業者、教育發展機構以及教育行政機關,作為重構或改制成青色學校相關政策制定之參考;文獻探討部分,主要蒐集國內外新興組織構築與新型態學校辦學等相關研究,歸納並以組織發展類型與進化型青色組織和青色學校相關概念之兩大項目呈現之;研究方法部分,經由文獻探討分析初擬青色學校指標,邀請若干位教育組織與學校經營領域之專家學者及具備豐富經歷之中小學教職人員,針對指標進行適切性評估與指標修訂,而後以概念構圖法進行指標分群與重要性評定,得出上位概念之指標構面及權重,以利建構青色學校指標系統,依據研究結果與分析,歸納結論與建議如下。


    The purpose of this study is to construct the indicators of Teal School, which provides education practitioners and development agencies, educational administration agencies as a reference for the development and restructuring of Teal Schools. As regards the literature review, we mainly collect relevant research on the construction of emerging organizations which includes the local and foreign instances, and the operation of new-type schools. After that, it is summarized and presented as two major projects related to the concepts of organizational development, evolutionary-teal organizations and Teal School. As for research method, by means of literature review, each indicator of Teal School has been evaluated the appropriateness of the connotation based on an expert survey; the participants of expert survey include several scholars of educational organization or school governance, and several faculties of the primary or secondary school. Concept mapping questionnaire makes use of analyzing experts` opinion on the importance of each indicator and classifying the cluster of the indicators. At last stage, find the weight of each indicator within each dimension and construct the system of indicators of Teal School. According to the research results and analysis, the main conclusions and recommendations are follows:

    Section One: The Conclusions
    1.This study constructs an indicator system of Teal School, which are composed of 4 dimensions and 36 indicators. The followings introduce the name of dimensions and the number of indicators which each dimension included: I. School system: organizational flexibility and community prosperity, which includes 7 indicators; II. The relationship of staffs: trustworthy collaboration, opening decision, and innovative system thinking, which includes 10 indicators; III. Teachers’ instruction: professional performance, adaptive pedagogy, and reality guidance, which includes 10 indicators; IV. Students’ study: subject, the competence and attitude of self-directed learning motivation, strategies, and exhibition, which includes 9 indicators.
    2.“The relationship of staffs: trustworthy collaboration, opening decision, and innovative system thinking” is the most important dimension of the indicator system for Teal School.
    3.“The enthusiasm and motivation for leaning” is the most important indicator in the indicator system for Teal School.
    4.There are differences between the scholar and school faculty in the sequence of the importance for each indicator which belongs to the indicator system of Teal School; the most difference of the sequence of the importance between each other is “the flexibility of organizational operation”.
    5.There are differences between the scholar and school faculty in the identification score of the importance for each indicator which belongs to the indicator system of Teal School; the scholars believe that “school staff possesses innovative thinking” is the most important indicator, however the school faculties advocate that “establishing the sense of trust between the staffs” is the most.
    Section Two: The Recommendations
    I. For the development of educational scene and school organization:
    1.School governor must build the school climate of trustworthy collaboration, opening decision, and innovative system thinking.
    2.School governor needs to construct the adaptive learning environment in order to excite the enthusiasm and motivation of students.
    II. For related research fields in the future:
    1.We should revise and update the dimension of the indicator system for Teal School in future.
    2.The Indicators Construction of Teal School is supposed to deliberate the opinion of the stakeholder who is from each filed.
    3.We could use another research method to verify the indicators construction of Teal School, or else construct another indicator system of Teal School in future.
    4.We would construct characteristic indicator system for different identities in school.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106171008
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100502
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