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    Title: 我國國民小學家長參與學校教育指標建構之研究
    A Study on Construction of Parents Engagement Indicators of Elementary Schools in Taiwan
    Authors: 鄭來長
    Cheng, Lai-Chang
    Contributors: 秦夢群
    Chin, Mon-Jing
    Cheng, Lai-Chang
    Keywords: 家長參與
    Parent engagement
    Parent involvement
    Parent engagement theory
    Parent engagement effect
    Parent engagement model
    Parent engagement obstacle
    Parent engagement factor
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 20:50:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 家長參與教育在民主社會中已是不可逆的趨勢,先進國家都相當重視家長參與教育。大多數學者的研究也肯定家長參與學校教育對學生本人、家庭與學校,均有正向的影響。在我國,雖然相關教育法規中已有家長參與教育事務之條文,惟未見優質的家長參與學校教育衡量指標。本研究即在建立一套我國國民小學家長參與學校教育的衡量指標,以供學校及教育行政機關衡量家長參與學校教育實際情形的參考。
    Parent engagement is an irreversible trend in a democratic society, and advanced countries attach great importance to parent engagement. Most scholars’ studies also affirm that parent engagement in school education has a positive impact on students, their families, and schools. In Taiwan, although there are provisions on parent engagement in educational affairs in relevant education regulations, there are no quality indicators for parents to engage in school education. This study aimed to establish a set of indicators for measuring parent engagement in school education in Taiwan elementary schools, so as to provide reference for schools and educational administrative agencies to measure the actual situation of parent engagement in school education.
    This study adopts literature analysis, focus group discussion, and the questionnaire survey of Delphi technique. First, read the relevant domestic and foreign literature widely, collect the feasible practices of parent engagement in school education, and draw up a semi-structured questionnaire based on it, which will serve as the basis for the focus group discussion. Then, based on the opinions of the participants in the focus group discussion, a questionnaire was drawn up on the Delphi technique. After each questionnaire survey, the original questionnaire will be revised according to the opinions of the experts of Delphi technique, and a total of three questionnaire surveys on Delphi technique will be conducted. Finally, the dimensions and indicators (including 6 dimensions and 40 indicators) for the parent engagement of elementary schools are formed. In order to facilitate the practical application, the Likert five-point scale is adopted and modified into a checklist.
    The research also makes suggestions, including: using checklists to understand the engagement of parents in school education, suggestions to educational administration agencies, schools, and teachers. In addition, suggestions for further research are also put forward. Regarding the use of checklists to understand parent engagement in school education, the department has transformed 6 dimensions and 40 indicators into a Likert five-point scale, which serves as a tool for education administration agencies and schools to measure parent engagement in school education. Suggestions for educational administrative agencies include: (a) attach importance to parent engagement in school education, (b) formulate annual funding and incentive regulations, and (c) government commission academic institutions or groups to handle parent engagement in school education affairs. The suggestions for schools include: (a) parent engagement is included in the school development plan, (b) activities involving parent engagement are included in the school calendar, and (c) checklists are used to understand the implementation effects of parent engagement. The suggestions for teachers include: (a) face the participation of parents bravely, and (b) properly use parent and community resources. In terms of further research, it is recommended: (a) establish the weights of dimensions and indicators, (b) establish performance norms.
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