題名: | 從少年安置機構服務模式探究助人關係的力量與服務內涵 A Case Study of Power of Helping Relationship and Service Connotation Based on the Service Mode of Youth Residential Organization |
作者: | 劉庭瑄 Liu, Ting-Hsuan |
貢獻者: | 宋麗玉 劉庭瑄 Liu, Ting-Hsuan |
關鍵詞: | 安置機構 助人關係 服務內涵 residential organization, helping relationship service connotation |
日期: | 2021 |
上傳時間: | 2021-07-01 20:40:06 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 安置機構特別之處,是它涵括了兩個不同日常,一個日常即是少年生活之地,一個日常是機構工作者的辦公之處,本研究針對少年安置機構場域,刻劃少年與工作者「助人關係」之於「服務內涵」在輸送過程中所帶來之影響與產生的力量,先從空間結構了解少年安置服務影響助人關係建立因素,進一步整理服務內涵下助人關係的脈絡發展,並彙整出助人關係對於少年安置服務所帶來之影響。 本研究運用質性研究,以田野觀察與深度訪談方式,邀請安置機構成員參與,當中共訪談10人,包含少年、生輔、社工與主管,因考量到助人關係運作與安置服務輸送歷程,故以少年為核心,搭配提供服務之工作者們,來進行受訪者選樣。本篇研究結論與建議如下: 研究結論: 一、安置機構環境共構下,分別從少年與工作者視角了解空間設置影響助人關係建立因素,而重視雙向互動感受,成為安置服務輸送與助人關係建立的核心議題。 二、從助人關係發展脈絡了解,助人關係階段性發展是來來回回的歷程,需謹守界線拿捏、情境掌握,以及自我覺察敏銳與保持雙向交流,才能穩定助人關係在安置服務內涵下發揮力量。 三、從少年安置服務內涵下助人關係的選擇,少年相當重視制度的變動,因此,工作者的回應方式與處遇之道皆影響助後續人關係的發展。 研究建議: 一、增加助人關係建立之管道,以培養合作默契。 二、組別流通與單位機構支持,提升團隊歸屬感。 三、正向思維與優勢觀點實踐,增加系統性應用。 What is special about the youth residential organization is that it encompasses two different daily dwellings, one where the teenagers live and the other where the organization workers work. This study focuses on the field of youth residential organization, and describes the influence and power of the “helping relationship” between teenagers and workers on the “service connotation” in the delivery process. This paper first explored the factors influencing the establishment of the helping relationship in the context of the youth residential service from the perspective of the spatial structure, then further sorted out the development of the helping relationship in the context of the service connotation, and summarized the influence of the helping relationship on the youth residential service. In this study, qualitative research was adopted and the members from the youth residential organization were invited to participate in this study in form of field observation and in-depth interview. A total of 10 subjects were interviewed, including teenagers, caretakers, social workers, and managers. When it comes to interviewee selection, teenagers were the key interviewees coupled with the workers providing services in consideration of the operation of helping relationship and delivery process of residential service. The conclusions and recommendations of this research are as follows: Conclusions: 1.Under the co-construction of residential organization environment, this paper figured out the factors affecting the establishment of helping relationships from the perspectives of teenagers and workers respectively, and attached importance to the two-way interactive experience, which had been the core issue of the delivery of residential services and the establishment of helping relationships. 2.From the development contexts of the helping relationship, it was understood that the phased development of the helping relationship was a process of going back and forth, which required boundary control, situational mastery, acute self-awareness and two-way communication in order to stabilize the helping relationship and exert its strength under the connotation of residential t service. 3.From the perspective of the choice of helping relationships in the context of juvenile residential services, juveniles attach great importance to the change of the system. Therefore, both the way workers respond and the way they deal with things affect the development of the helping relationships. Recommendations: 1.Increase the channels for the establishment of helping relationships to cultivate a tacit understanding of cooperation. 2.Communicate among groups and seek supports from units and organizations to improve the sense of belonging to the team. 3.Maintain positive thinking and put the strengths perspectives into practice to promote the systematic application. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 107264005 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107264005 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100540 |
顯示於類別: | [社會工作研究所] 學位論文
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