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    Title: 參與行動下的「綠」: 公民在新竹市綠園道食物森林中的建構與互動
    Green under Participatory Action: Citizens` Construction and Interaction in the Food Forest of Green belt, Hsinchu City
    Authors: 陳品嘉
    Chen, Pin-Chia
    Contributors: 徐世榮
    Hsu, Shih-Jung
    Chen, Pin-Chia
    Keywords: 都市農耕
    Urban farming
    Food Forest
    Participatory design
    Public sphere
    Citizen participation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-07-01 20:21:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 既有研究雖對都市農耕行動有所討論,但並未進一步探究參與式設計如何反應在農耕行動上,進而展現都市公共空間的價值,甚至是公共領域之空間形塑。本研究旨在探討公民於新竹市東區進行都市食物森林的空間建構,及其後續的經營與維護脈絡。運用參與式設計作為該空間建構方法,並以Habermas的公共領域概念進行分析,探討公民於都市食物森林空間內的互動價值。研究方法係採文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談方式進行相關資料蒐集。本研究發現,參與式設計於新竹市綠園道食物森林空間得以被操作與實踐,仰賴專業者的知識傳遞、地方居民的主動參與、及公部門的資源協助。都市食物森林採取共耕共享、友善環境耕作、及重視生態層次的方式,進行該農業空間的運作與維護,其目的在於建立 具備公共性的環教場域,藉此產生農業或環境議題的論辯,最終形成以農業、環境教育為本的公共領域。本研究揭示參與式設計於公共場域的實踐,及對公共領域概念之不同詮釋結果。結論試圖針對現行都市計畫法對於公園綠地之規範提出看法,盼以都市食物森林的運作形式,提供都市農耕在台灣能以另一種經營方式展現。
    Although existing studies have discussed urban farming actions, they have not further explored how participatory design reflects on farming actions, thereby showing the value of urban public space, or even the spatial shaping of public spheres. The purpose of this research is to explore the spatial construction of urban food forests by citizens in the eastern district of Hsinchu City, as well as the context of subsequent management and maintenance. Using participatory design as the method of constructing the space, and analyzing the concept of the public realm of Habermas, it explores the interactive value of citizens in the urban food forest space. The research method adopts literature analysis, participating observations, and in-depth interviews to collect relevant data. This study found that the participatory design in the food forest space of Green belt in Hsinchu City can be operated and practiced, relying on the knowledge transfer of professionals, the active participation of local residents, and the resource assistance of the public sector. The urban food forest adopts the methods of co-cultivation and sharing, friendly environment farming, and emphasis on the ecological level to operate and maintain the agricultural space. The purpose is to establish a public environment and education field to generate debates on agriculture or environmental issues. Eventually, a public domain centered on agriculture and environmental education will be formed. This research reveals the practice of participatory design in the public domain and the results of different interpretations of the concept of the public domain. Conclusion is an attempt to put forward an opinion on the current urban planning law on the regulation of parks and green spaces, and hope that the operation of urban food forests can provide urban farming in Taiwan in another way of operation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108257014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100553
    Appears in Collections:[地政學系] 學位論文

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