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Title: | 志工媽媽說她們的故事--論婦女參與校園志願服務之經驗 Volunteer Mothers Tell Their Stories --A Study of Women`s Volunteer Experience on Campus |
Authors: | 楊婷恩 Yang, Ting-En |
Contributors: | 謝美娥 Hsieh, Mei-O 楊婷恩 Yang, Ting-En |
Keywords: | 志工媽媽 婦女 校園志願服務 志工經驗 Volunteer mothers Women Campus volunteer service Volunteer experience |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-06-01 14:59:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討兼具多重角色下的婦女,從事志願服務經驗中,如何調適各角色間之任務與滿足參與服務動機,並進一步了解志願服務帶給婦女之影響。 為顧及資料的充實性與多元性,本研究受訪對象為8位完成20小時以上志願服務訓練且領有志願服務認證的55歲以下之學校婦女志工,共訪談8位學校婦女志工,並採取半結構式的深度訪談法。 透過訪談及文獻的整理共有三項研究發現:第一個研究發現,學校志工「媽媽」並非只有字面上的母職角色,部分志工之子女未就讀本校,婦女因職場夥伴邀請或貢獻專業而選擇到投入校園志願服務,不再侷限於背負「為了照顧孩子」之母職的延伸。第二個研究發現,學校志工媽媽於多重角色下的調適過程,多面臨「家庭角色」與「自我實現」之兩難;當中需要學校公共場域給予空間及尊重、丈夫之鼓勵與行動上的陪伴、婦女自身時間管理等三方共同協力合作,使工作、家務與志願服務的時間達成平衡,以避免婦女角色過度負荷。第三個研究發現,參與服務動機與生活情境有密切相關,婦女與周邊社會關係之互動、自我覺察能力及母職角色對婦女參與志願服務的時機點具有重大的影響力,婦女投入校園志願服務的五個關鍵時機點:(一)進入婚姻後,社交圈縮小;(二)受助經驗萌發助人種子;(三)助人經驗的滋養;(四)看見自己的不快樂;(五)孩子在,我就在。第四個研究發現,志願服務對婦女最重要之影響為強化其人際連結,透過持續與社會互動及溝通,而鬆動過往的習慣與價值觀,以向內關照自己和向外修復關係。志工角色如同多重角色中的潤滑劑,有助於緩解婦女於各角色間的負面情緒,進一步促使其於個人成長、修復家庭關係、社會網絡等層面產生蛻變。本研究依據上述研究結果,針對學校單位及婦女志工提出建議。 This study explores how women who play multiple roles can adjust tasks between these roles and fulfill their motivation of participating in voluntary service. In this way, the influence of volunteer service on women is investigated. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight mothers under 55 who have completed more than 20 hours of volunteer service training and obtained voluntary service certification. The results show that these volunteers are mothers in more than a literal sense. These women choose to devote themselves to campus volunteer services in response to their colleagues’ invitation instead of being limited to caring for children or performing other extensions of mothering. Second, volunteer mothers are often challenged by the dilemma between playing their role in the family and self-realization as they adjust to multiple roles. Doing so requires respect from schools, the encouragement and support of the husband, and time management on the part of the woman to avoid role overload. Third, the motivation to participate in service is closely related to the woman’s life situation. The interaction among the woman and her surrounding society, her self-awareness, and her motherhood had a significant influence on women’s participation in voluntary service. Five key moments for women who participate in campus voluntary service were the following: (1) loss of social circle after marriage, the social circle shrinks; (2) experience receiving assistance; (3) experience of helping others; (4) awareness of their unhappiness; (5) where there are children,there I am. Fourth, voluntary service strengthens women’s interpersonal connections. Many women modified their past habits and values through continuous interaction and communication. Having a volunteer role is like a lubricant in multiple roles, helping alleviate women’s negative emotions in multiple roles, and it promotes personal growth, repairing family relationships, and social networks. These findings can be used by school organizations, female volunteers, and research to develop future directions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 106264016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106264016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100446 |
Appears in Collections: | [社會工作研究所] 學位論文
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