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Title: | 精釀啤酒廠創新商業模式之研究-以D公司為例 Research on innovative business model of craft brewer-a case study of D Company |
Authors: | 藍寅峻 Lan, Yin-Chun |
Contributors: | 詹文男 藍寅峻 Lan, Yin-Chun |
Keywords: | PEST 五力分析 SWOT 商業模式 物聯網 PEST Porter’s five forces SWOT Business model IoT |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-06-01 14:55:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣自從2002年加入WTO,國內啤酒市場就開始蓬勃發展,除了台灣菸酒公賣局改制成台灣菸酒公司,國外品牌商業啤酒也開始進口。即便在國內外商業啤酒強勢的行銷策略下,民間釀酒廠無不卯足全力,在夾縫中求生存。近年來,精釀啤酒產業還持續成長。
從客戶需求來看,精釀啤酒愛好者的口味偏向多元化及新鮮。個案公司的優勢為IoT的技術及人才,劣勢為資本額小及知名度不足。所提出的創新商業模式為:以喜歡嘗試不同口味、新鮮生啤酒客戶為目標客群;快速開發不同口味、堅持新鮮、追求品質穩定為價值主張;透過擁有自己專賣店為通路;以試飲活動、建立會員資料來維持客戶關係;以IoT技術及人才為關鍵資源;口味的研發、生產過程的優化、辦體驗活動為關鍵活動;降低設備成本、水電費、廠房土地租金來縮減成本結構;販售精釀啤酒為其收益流。 Since Taiwan joined the WTO in 2002, the domestic beer market has been booming. In addition to the transformation of the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau into Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation, commercial beer of foreign brands has also begun to be imported. Even under the strong marketing strategy of domestic and foreign commercial beer, private breweries are all trying their best to survive in the cracks. In recent years, the craft beer industry has continued to grow.
The purpose of this research is to (1) explore the micro environment and industrial conditions of Taiwan’s craft brewery industry; (2) propose innovative business models based on customer needs and the strengths and weaknesses of the case company. Therefore, this research uses PEST as a tool to analyze the micro environment of the craft beer industry, uses Porter`s five forces analysis to exam the industry environment, and conducts in-depth interviews with target customers to understand customer needs. In addition, use SWOT as an analysis tool to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the case company. Finally, review the nine categories of the business model one by one, and propose an innovative business model for the case company.
The results of the research are:
In terms of the micro environment, there are many tax and legal restrictions on political factors. Social factors include the problem of drunk driving, excessive drinking that harms health, and restrictions on alcohol access to children and adolescents, inhibit industrial development. However, as for economic factor, the stay-at-home economy; as for social factors, the rise of a personal economy from the problem of declining birthrate, the concept of moderate drinking to relieve stress, the topic of combining with local agricultural products; as for technological factors, the IoT and AI, are beneficial to the development of the industry. From the perspective of the industrial environment, threats of new entrants and bargaining power of customers are weak; others like competitive rivalry, threats of substitutes, and bargaining power of suppliers are very strong. Therefore, the industrial environment is not good.
In terms of customer demand, the taste of craft beer lovers tends to be diversified and to be fresh. The advantage of the case company is the technical talents and resource of IoT; and the disadvantage is the small amount of capital and lack of visibility. The innovative business model proposed is: target customers are who like to try different flavors and fresh draft beer; quickly developing different flavors, insisting on freshness, and pursuing stable quality is the value proposition; use its own store as a channel; organize tasting activities, establish a VIP database to maintain customer relationships; take IoT technology and talents as key resources; take taste research and development, production process optimization, and experience activities as key activities; reduce equipment costs, utility and electricity bills, and rental rate of plant to reduce cost structure; sell craft beer as its revenue stream. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 107932064 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932064 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100444 |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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