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    Title: 我們與書寫的距離:探索新舊書寫媒介科技的身體感
    What is Called Writing? Investigating the Felt Sense of Traditional and Digital Writing Technologies
    Authors: 林熙堯
    Lin, Hsi-Yao
    Contributors: 方念萱
    Fang, Nien-Hsuan
    Lin, Hsi-Yao
    Keywords: 書寫科技
    Writing technologies
    Interrelational ontology
    Felt sense
    Embodied cognition
    Evocative narrative
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-05-03 10:35:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   書寫是現代人主要溝通方式之一。長久以來,主流傳播媒介研究向來視書寫為文本內容,鮮少關注書寫科技物與使用者的緊密關係。此外,書寫科技物也普遍遭視作純粹工具,忽視書寫科技物與人類身體感知在書寫時的連動關係。

      循此動機,本研究前半部分回顧書寫的原始定義,發現相關文獻多以工具觀點判定書寫科技之優劣,陷入科技與社會的分立觀點,並且忽略書寫過程與不同情境之間的緊密關係。是故,本研究引介美國科技哲學家Don Ihde的後現象學(postphenomenology)與國內人類學者余舜德等人提出的身體感理論,嘗試打造一個後現象學的身體感研究取徑。透過此觀點,探究書寫的身體感如何浮現於身心處於特定情境、周遭環境之中與不同書寫媒介科技物的互動過程。後半部分則根據該理論框架,採用自我民族誌書寫描述、反思研究者日常生活經驗裡身處三種書寫情境之中的身體感變化。

    The analysis of writing has been mostly concerned with text and content in media and communication studies. Little thoughts have been given to the coordination between users and their writing tools. On the one hand, writing technologies are always regarded as purely pragmatic tools; on the other hand, the actions and feelings of using writing technologies had long been ignored.

    This thesis tries to combine postphenomenology and the felt sense theory to construct an integrated theoretical structure, by which we can analyze how the felt sense emerges from the interrelation between human’s actions and technological artifacts in the specific environment and explore the dynamic interrelational networks between human’s perception, writing technologies, specific situations, and the surroundings. Based on this framework, the second half of the thesis uses autoethnography to describe and reflect on the researcher’s felt sense changes in the three daily writing situations.

    According to the analysis of the three situations, this thesis argues that the interrelation between humans’ body and mind, traditional and digital writing technologies within different situations has the characteristic of diachronic co-evolution. The felt sense is the intersection of the interaction of body techniques and technological artifacts within the specific situation and the environment. It is the perceptual flow that is constantly changing and difficult to capture in an instant. That is to say, the felt sense and the materiality of writing technologies have a covariant relationship. This argument highlights the deeper and continuously floating power relation between humans and technological artifacts; that is, “people make things, and we are also made by things” (Ihde & Malafouris, 2019).
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