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    Title: 運用混合研究探討我國勞動檢查員情緒勞務、生涯召喚與工作滿意度
    Applying Mixed Methods Research to Explore Emotional Labor, Career Calling and Job Satisfaction of Labor Inspectors in Taiwan
    Authors: 賴亮瑋
    Lai, Liang-Wei
    Contributors: 傅凱若
    Fu, Kai-Jo
    Lai, Liang-Wei
    Keywords: 勞動檢查員
    Labor inspector
    Mixed methods research
    Emotional labor
    Career calling
    Job satisfaction
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-05-03 10:30:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 勞工為國家富庶之基石,保障勞工的安全及權益,為政府理所當然應作之事。勞權意識提升的情況下,勞動檢查員的工作負擔也相當沉重,必須站到第一線替勞工捍衛權益,避免其權益受到侵害,而勞動檢查員身處前線,在執行勤務時,不一定會受到事業單位的友善對待,甚至因未能達到申訴人之期待,遭受壓力。




    Labor is the cornerstone of the country`s prosperity, and protecting the safety and rights of labor is what the government must do. With the increase in the awareness of labor rights, the workload of labor inspectors is also quite heavy, they must defend labor`s rights and interests on the front line to avoid infringements. Labor inspectors are on the front line, they may not be treated kindly by the business unit when performing their duties, and they may even be under pressure because they fail to meet the complainant`s expectations.

    This research applies mixed methods research and selects six metropolises of Taiwan as the research scope, hoping to achieve the following research objectives. First of all, through qualitative research, a total of 23 interviewees were interviewed to explore the mental process and emotional state of labor inspectors when performing labor inspections, including the causes of emotional labor, and the impact of emotional labor on individuals. Second, explore whether he or she chose to serve as a labor inspector because of his or her career calling? Does the career calling make labor inspectors feel meaningful in their work? Does the career calling make it realize the sense of self-worth from work? Thinking this job can enable them to show their talents and give full play to their strengths? Also, through quantitative research, a total of 50 valid questionnaires were collected to explore the effect of emotional labor, career calling on labor inspectors’ job satisfaction, and whether the career calling of labor inspectors can moderate the effect on emotional labor and job satisfaction.

    The qualitative research results can be classified into the following twelve points:
    1.Frequent, continuous expression, conversion of emotions, the requirements of "service attitude" and "harmony are the most precious" increase the emotional labor of labor inspectors.
    2.The positive feedback from labor and business unit to labor inspections formed a positive incident, which helps ease emotional labor.
    3.Irrational people and business unit have formed negative incidents, increasing emotional labor.
    4.Labor inspectors with high "emotional expressivity", "emotional intelligence" and positive emotions have a positive impact on emotional labor.
    5.The autonomy of "work arrangement" and "inspection process" under law-based administration has a positive impact on emotional labor
    6.The supervisor`s "support" and "experience inheritance" have a positive impact on emotional labor.
    7."Fighting side by side" among colleagues has a positive impact on emotional labor.
    8.The emotional labor of labor inspectors is mainly based on "deep acting."
    9.Emotional labor causes "burnout", "work pressure" and "turnover intention."
    10.The impact of career calling on the career choices of labor inspectors mainly returns to "realistic considerations"
    11.The career calling of labor inspectors in the career, "inner faith", "religious power", "helping others", "work purpose and meaning", "work enthusiasm".
    12.The career calling of labor inspectors has an impact on the working status.

    The quantitative research results can be classified into the following nine points:
    1.The career calling of labor inspectors does not have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
    2.The surface acting of labor inspectors does not have a significant negative effect on job satisfaction.
    3.The deep acting of labor inspectors has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
    4.The career calling of labor inspectors does not moderate the effect on deep acting and job satisfaction.
    5.The career calling of labor inspectors does not moderate the effect on surface acting and job satisfaction.
    6.The self-efficacy of labor inspectors does not have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
    7.The self-efficacy of labor inspectors does not moderate the effect on surface acting and job satisfaction.
    8.Labor inspectors that perceived organizational support has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
    9.Labor inspectors that perceived organizational support does not moderate the effect on surface acting and job satisfaction.

    Finally, specific research suggestions are put forward based on the research results, hoping to help improve the working conditions of labor inspectors.
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