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    Title: 香港人在台灣:身分認同與生活經驗
    Hong Kongers in Taiwan: Identity and Living Experience
    Authors: 崔文懿
    Chloe, Tsui Man Yee
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Tsui Man Yee Chloe
    Keywords: 國族主義
    Collective Identity
    Hong Kongers
    Sense of Community
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-04-01 11:27:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文運用深度訪談,對在台灣居住之香港人進行研究,其中主要研究對象為學生、依親及投資移民三個身分。透過集體認同中之:國家認同、文化認同及社會認同三個面向,了解他們的身分認同。此論文發現:不同群體的香港人,移居到台灣的動機與挑戰均不同,對於身分認同的觀點也有差距。部份人可能有著雙重甚至多重身分,或是已經拿到台灣身分證,但他們多數仍然將自己定義為香港人。受訪者之國家認同主要會被兩個因素影響;香港政府之政策、中國、香港身分之對比;文化認同則透過在台灣呈現之集體回憶,來保存香港本土文化;他們的社會認同與社群意識有高度連結,其中兩個例子是社群媒體的使用與在台灣之黃色經濟圈。此論文發現:1) 在台之香港人有著強烈的身分認同,並將自己定義為「香港人」、2) 中國與香港身分認同之間的差異有助塑造香港身分認同、3) 社群意識與身分認同有正相關,並影響在台香港人在社群媒體上之行為。
    This thesis seeks to analyse the identity of Hong Kongers in Taiwan. Drawing primarily upon theories of nationalism and national identity, and through in-depth interviews with students, dependants and investors from Hong Kong, and secondary literature analysis, this thesis examines the identity of Hong Kongers in Taiwan from the aspects of national identity, cultural identity and social identity. The main finding of this research is that all Hong Kongers interviewed have multiple or dual identities, with Hong Kong identity being the strongest identity even for those who have obtained Taiwan citizenship and identity cards. As for the factors that have affected the national identity of Hong Kongers in Taiwan, the policy of the Hong Kong government, such as the Free and Independent Travelers policy towards mainland Chinese visitors to Hong Kong, and the consciousness of the differences in the ethnic sense between Hong Kong and mainland Chinese people stand out. As far as cultural identity is concerned, ‘collective memory’ of living in Hong Kong constitutes the core of their cultural identity, with Hong Kong-style restaurants for instance being the most common ‘carrier’ of this cultural identity in Taiwan. Social identity understood by way of the ‘sense of community’, with the use of the Social Networking Sites (hereafter SNSs) and the existence of ‘Yellow Economic Circle’ in Taiwan being the two most prominent examples. This thesis concludes that first, Hong Kongers in Taiwan strongly identify themselves as ‘Hong Kongers’; secondly, the conscious differences between Hong Kongers and the Chinese have shaped their identity; and finally, the sense of community is positively correlated with their identity.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106926003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100388
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