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    Title: 形塑全球治理的未來:中國對世界銀行及亞洲開發銀行的策略
    Shaping the Future of Global Governance: China’s Strategy towards World Bank and Asian Development Bank
    Authors: 黃詠晴
    Huang, Yung-Ching
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Lu, Yeh-Chung
    Huang, Yung-Ching
    Keywords: 多邊發展銀行
    Multilateral Development Bank
    World Bank
    Asian Development Bank
    Institutional Design
    International Organization
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-04-01 11:27:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自2013年提出「一帶一路」倡議後,中國主導的基礎設施項目已從歐亞大陸、東南亞擴展到非洲、拉丁美洲和其他歐洲國家。各國意識到,該倡議暗示著中國可能會在地緣政治和經濟上擴大影響力,儘管該倡議對外宣傳是為了增強跨境聯繫和合作。一些國家已認知到發展金融(development finance)與外交政策緊密相連,為了確保國家在特定地區的影響力,他們開始對其外交政策進行調整或啟動新的發展援助計劃,以平衡中國在具有地緣政治優勢和經濟利益的地區的影響力。
    After the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed in 2013, China-led infrastructure projects have expanded from Eurasia, Southeast Asia, to Africa, Latin America and other European countries. States are aware that the Initiative implies possible expansion of Chinese influence geo-politically and economically although branded as enhancing cross-border connectivity and cooperation. Acknowledging that development finance is closely intertwined with foreign policies to ensure countries’ influence in specific regions, some states have started to make adjustments to their foreign policies or to launch new development aid plans to balance China’s influence in the regions they have geopolitical and economic interests.
    While the US foreign policy under the Trump administration seemed to hold reservations on multilateralism and experienced significant cuts on budgets for IOs, China is believed to be eagerly expanding its multilateral collaborations, laying foundations for the BRI and its growing competence as a great power.
    Concerns have been raised about the expanding Chinese influence through multilateral development institutions causing erosion of liberal values and unconformity of existing standards while executing projects within the institutions and beyond. On this background, this thesis aims to deeper discuss the rationales behind Chinese deployments in multilateral institutions, with a focus on its effects on multilateral development banks’ behavior especially the decision-making of their infrastructure development projects, and to provide an insight on how the deployments impact the norms and standards of the current international order.
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