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    Title: 東亞國家國防支出的決定因素:國家安全與全球化所扮演的角色
    The Determinants of National Defense Spending in East Asia:The Roles of National Security and Globalization
    Authors: 蕭吉義
    Hsiao, Chi-Yi
    Contributors: 翁永和
    Weng, Yung-Ho
    Hsiao, Chi-Yi
    Keywords: 國防支出
    Defense Spending
    National Security
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-04-01 11:24:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國防支出是國家用來保障國防安全或軍事領域的一種政府財政支出。而國防支出投入的多寡,除了取決於國家國防政策外,同時也會受到國家內、外在因素的影響。本研究主要以東亞地區等14個東亞國家作為研究樣本,從國家安全及全球化作為切入點,並加入國民所得、人口、經濟開放程度、中央政府支出、城市化程度、撫養比、政體及國家安全網軍事化程度等其他因素,透過蒐集樣本國家1998-2017年現況資料,運用最小平方法(OLS)建立實證模型,分析各解釋變數對東亞地區國家國防支出之關聯性與影響力,以探討東亞國家國防支出之決定因素。從實證模型的迴歸結果發現,「國家安全」、「人口」、「撫養比」及「國家安全網軍事化程度」對東亞國家國防支出之比例有正向顯著影響;而「全球化」、「國民所得」、「中央政府支出」、「城市化程度」及「政體」對東亞國家國防支出之比例則為負向顯著影響;另「經濟開放程度」雖然對東亞國家國防支出比例影響為負向,但卻無顯著效果。
    Defense spending is a major government expenditure to safeguard national security and military field. The amount of defense expenditure depends not only on the national defense policy, but also on the internal and external factors. The purpose of this research is to examine the determinants of national defense expenditure for 14 East Asian countries. Among these determinants, this research mainly focuses on the national security and globalization. The empirical results show that the national security has a significantly positive impact, while the extent of globalization has a significantly negative effect on the proportion of defense expenditure in East Asian countries. Furthermore, population, dependency ratio and militarization of national security networks show significantly positive effects, however, national income, central government expenditure, urbanization and political system have significantly negative impacts on the proportion of defense expenditure. Finally, although the economic openness demonstrates a negative impact, the result is statistically insignificant.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921309
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100398
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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